►NalexaClientSDK | Whether or not curl logs should be emitted |
►Nacl | |
►Ntest | |
CAVSConnectionManagerTest | Test harness for AVSConnectionManager class |
CMessageRouterTest | |
CMockAuthDelegate | |
CMockConnectionStatusObserver | This class allows us to test ConnectionStatusObserver interaction |
CMockEventTracer | |
CMockMessageConsumer | |
CMockMessageObserver | This class allows us to test MessageObserver interaction |
CMockMessageRequest | |
CMockMessageRouter | |
CMockMimeResponseSink | |
CMockPostConnect | |
CMockPostConnectFactory | |
CMockTransportFactory | |
CTestableConsumer | |
CTestableMessageRouter | |
►Ntransport | |
►Ntest | |
CHTTP2TransportTest | Test harness for HTTP2Transport class |
CMessageRequestHandlerTest | |
►CMockExchangeHandlerContext | |
CHTTP2Request | |
CMockMessageRouterObserver | |
CMockPostConnectObserver | |
CMockPostConnectOperation | |
CMockPostConnectOperationProvider | |
CMockTransport | |
CMockTransportObserver | |
CPostConnectSequencerFactoryTest | |
CPostConnectSequencerTest | |
CAVSConnectionManager | |
CDownchannelHandler | |
CExchangeHandler | |
CExchangeHandlerContextInterface | |
►CHTTP2Transport | |
CConfiguration | |
CHTTP2TransportFactory | |
CMessageConsumerInterface | |
CMessageRequestHandler | |
CMessageRequestQueue | |
CMessageRequestQueueInterface | |
CMessageRouter | |
CMessageRouterFactory | |
CMessageRouterFactoryInterface | |
CMessageRouterInterface | |
CMessageRouterObserverInterface | |
CMimeResponseSink | |
CMimeResponseStatusHandlerInterface | |
CPingHandler | |
CPostConnectFactoryInterface | |
CPostConnectInterface | |
CPostConnectObserverInterface | |
CPostConnectOperationPriorityCompare | |
CPostConnectSequencer | |
CPostConnectSequencerFactory | |
CSynchronizedMessageRequestQueue | |
CTransportDefines | |
CTransportFactoryInterface | |
CTransportInterface | |
CTransportObserverInterface | |
►NacsdkAlerts | |
►Nrenderer | |
►Ntest | |
CMockRendererObserver | |
CRendererTest | |
CTestMediaPlayer | |
CRenderer | |
CRendererInterface | |
CRendererObserverInterface | |
►Nstorage | |
CAlertStorageInterface | |
CSQLiteAlertStorage | |
►Ntest | |
CAlarmAlertTest | |
CAlertsCapabilityAgentTest | |
CAlertSchedulerTest | |
CAlertTest | |
CMockAlert | |
CMockAlertObserverInterface | |
CMockAlertStorage | |
CMockRenderer | |
CReminderAlertTest | |
CSQLiteAlertStorageTest | |
CStubAlertStorage | |
CStubMessageStorage | |
CStubRenderer | |
CTestAlert | |
CTestAlertObserver | |
CTestMessageSender | |
CTimerAlertTest | |
CAlarm | |
►CAlert | |
CAsset | |
CAssetConfiguration | |
CContextInfo | |
CDynamicData | |
CStaticData | |
CAlertsCapabilityAgent | |
►CAlertScheduler | |
CAlertsContextInfo | |
CReminder | |
CTimeComparator | |
CTimer | |
►NacsdkAlertsInterfaces | |
►CAlertObserverInterface | |
CAlertInfo | |
COriginalTime | |
CAlertsCapabilityAgentInterface | |
►NacsdkAlexaKeypadController | |
►Ntest | |
CAlexaKeypadControllerCapabilityAgentTest | |
CMockAlexaKeypadControllerInterface | |
►CAlexaKeypadControllerFactory | |
CAlexaKeypadControllerCapabilityAgentData | This object used to register the capability agent to an endpoint |
►NacsdkAlexaKeypadControllerInterfaces | |
►CAlexaKeypadControllerInterface | |
CResponse | |
►NacsdkAlexaLauncher | |
►Ntest | |
CAlexaLauncherCapabilityAgentTest | |
CMockAlexaLauncherInterface | |
►CAlexaLauncherFactory | |
CAlexaLauncherCapabilityAgentData | |
►NacsdkAlexaLauncherInterfaces | |
►CAlexaLauncherInterface | |
CResponse | |
CAlexaLauncherObserverInterface | |
CTargetState | |
►NacsdkAlexaPlaybackController | |
►Ntest | |
CAlexaPlaybackControllerCapabilityAgentTest | |
CMockAlexaPlaybackControllerInterface | |
►CAlexaPlaybackControllerFactory | |
CAlexaPlaybackControllerCapabilityAgentData | |
►NacsdkAlexaPlaybackControllerInterfaces | |
►CAlexaPlaybackControllerInterface | |
CResponse | |
CAlexaPlaybackControllerObserverInterface | |
►NacsdkAlexaPresentationInterfaces | |
CAPLDocumentObserverInterface | |
CAPLDocumentSessionInterface | |
CAPLRuntimeInterface | |
CAutoInitializedExtension | |
CGrantedExtension | |
CPresentationOptions | |
CPresentationSession | |
►NacsdkAlexaSeekController | |
►Ntest | |
CAlexaSeekControllerCapabilityAgentTest | |
CMockAlexaSeekControllerInterface | |
►CAlexaSeekControllerFactory | |
CAlexaSeekControllerCapabilityAgentData | This structure contains the interfaces used to interact with the AlexaSeekController Capability Agent |
►NacsdkAlexaSeekControllerInterfaces | |
►CAlexaSeekControllerInterface | |
CResponse | |
►NacsdkAlexaVideoCommon | |
►CVideoEntity | A helper class that provides an aggregation of all video entity types. Users can ask Alexa to search for video content by specifying characteristics of the content, such as a season and episode of a TV show, or a genre of movie. Alexa sends these characteristics, called entity types for searching the requested content. This class also provides methods to parse the entity payload into respective types |
CActor | |
CApp | |
CChannel | |
CCharacter | |
CDirector | |
CEpisode | |
CEvent | |
CFranchise | |
CGenre | |
CLeague | |
CMedia | |
CPopularity | |
CProductionCompany | |
CRecency | |
CSeason | |
CSport | |
CSportsTeam | |
CVideo | |
CVideoResolution | |
►NacsdkAlexaVideoRecorder | |
CAlexaVideoRecorderFactory | |
►NacsdkAlexaVideoRecorderInterfaces | |
►CVideoRecorderInterface | |
CResponse | |
►CVideoRecorderRequest | |
CTimeWindow | |
►NacsdkApplicationAudioPipelineFactory | |
CAndroidApplicationAudioPipelineFactory | |
CCustomApplicationAudioPipelineFactory | |
CGstreamerApplicationAudioPipelineFactory | |
►NacsdkApplicationAudioPipelineFactoryInterfaces | |
►Ntest | |
CMockApplicationAudioPipelineFactory | |
CApplicationAudioPipelineFactoryInterface | |
CPooledApplicationMediaInterfaces | |
►NacsdkAssets | |
►Nclient | |
CAMD | |
CArtifactWrapper | |
CArtifactWrapperFactory | |
CGenericInventory | |
►NclientInterfaces | |
CArtifactChangeObserver | |
CArtifactUpdateValidator | |
CArtifactWrapperFactoryInterface | |
CArtifactWrapperInterface | |
►Ncommon | |
CAmdMetricsWrapper | |
CArchiveWrapper | |
CAuthDelegateMock | |
CBase64Url | |
CCurlProgressCallbackInterface | |
CCurlWrapper | |
CCurlWrapperMock | |
CDataChunk | |
CDavsServiceMock | |
CDownloadChunkQueue | |
CDownloadStream | |
CInternetConnectionMonitorMock | |
CPrintDescription | |
CResponseSink | |
►NcommonInterfaces | |
CAmdCommunicationInterface | |
CArtifactRequest | |
CDavsRequest | |
CInMemoryAmdCommunicationHandler | |
CUrlRequest | |
CVendableArtifact | |
►Ndavs | |
►CDavsClient | |
CArtifactGroup | |
CDavsEndpointHandlerV3 | |
CDavsHandler | |
►NdavsInterfaces | |
CArtifactHandlerInterface | |
CDavsCheckCallbackInterface | |
CDavsDownloadCallbackInterface | |
CDavsEndpointHandlerInterface | |
►Nmanager | |
CAssetManager | |
CUrlAllowListWrapper | |
►NacsdkAudioInputStream | |
CAudioInputStreamFactory | |
CCompatibleAudioFormat | |
►NacsdkAudioPlayer | |
►Ntest | |
CAudioPlayerTest | |
CMockAudioPlayerObserver | |
CMockContext | |
CProgressTimerTest | |
CTestAudioPlayerObserver | |
CUtilTestRealCryptoFactoryFixture | |
►CAudioItem | Struct which contains all the fields which define an audio item for a Play directive |
►CStream | Contains the parameters of the stream |
CProgressReport | Contains values for progress reports |
CAudioPlayer | |
►CProgressTimer | |
CContextInterface | |
CUtil | |
►NacsdkAudioPlayerInterfaces | |
CAudioPlayerInterface | |
►CAudioPlayerObserverInterface | |
CContext | The context of the AudioPlayer when the observer is notified of the PlayerActivity state change |
►NacsdkAuthorization | |
►Nlwa | |
►Ntest | |
CLWAAuthorizationAdapterTest | |
CLWAAuthorizationStorageTest | |
CLWAAuthStorageMigrationTest | |
CMockAuthManager | A mock AuthorizationManager |
CMockCBLObserver | A mock observer |
CStubStorage | |
CLWAAuthorizationAdapter | |
CLWAAuthorizationConfiguration | |
CLWAAuthorizationStorage | A SQLite based version of LWAAuthorizationStorageInterface |
►Ntest | |
CAuthorizationManagerTest | |
CMockAuthorizationAdapter | Mock class implementing the adapter |
CMockRegistrationManager | Mock class implementing RegistrationManagerInterface |
CStubAuthorization | Class to implement AuthorizationInterface, which is used to retrieve the id |
CAuthorizationManager | |
CAuthorizationManagerStorage | |
►NacsdkAuthorizationInterfaces | |
►Nlwa | |
►CCBLAuthorizationObserverInterface | An observer interface used for callbacks when authorizing using CBL in LWAAuthorizationAdapterInterface |
CCustomerProfile | An optional struct that may return additional information |
CLWAAuthorizationInterface | |
CLWAAuthorizationStorageInterface | |
CAuthorizationAdapterInterface | |
CAuthorizationAuthorityInterface | |
CAuthorizationInterface | |
CAuthorizationManagerInterface | |
►NacsdkBluetooth | |
►Ntest | |
CBluetoothMediaInputTransformerTest | |
CBluetoothTest | |
CMockPlaybackRouter | |
CSQLiteBluetoothStorageParameterizedTests | Parameterized tests to test both migrated and newly created databases |
CSQLiteBluetoothStorageTest | |
CBasicDeviceConnectionRule | |
CBasicDeviceConnectionRulesProvider | |
CBluetooth | |
CBluetoothEventState | |
CBluetoothMediaInputTransformer | |
CBluetoothNotifier | |
CDeviceConnectionRulesAdapter | |
CSQLiteBluetoothStorage | A concrete implementation of BluetoothStorageInterface using SQLite |
►NacsdkBluetoothInterfaces | |
►Ntest | |
CMockBluetoothDeviceObserver | |
CBluetoothDeviceConnectionRulesProviderInterface | |
►CBluetoothDeviceObserverInterface | |
CDeviceAttributes | |
CBluetoothLocalInterface | |
CBluetoothStorageInterface | A storage interface used for Bluetooth that should provide UUID to MAC mappings and maintain insertion order |
►NacsdkCommunication | |
►Ntest | |
CFalseValidator | |
CInMemoryCommunicationInvokeHandlerTest | |
CInMemoryCommunicationPropertiesHandlerTest | |
CTestFunction1 | |
CTestFunction2 | |
CTestSubscriber | |
CAlwaysTrueCommunicationValidator | |
CInMemoryCommunicationInvokeHandler | |
►CInMemoryCommunicationPropertiesHandler | |
CWeakSubscriptionProxy | |
CPropertyInfo | |
►NacsdkCommunicationInterfaces | |
CCommunicationInvokeHandlerInterface | |
CCommunicationPropertiesHandlerInterface | |
CCommunicationProperty | |
CCommunicationPropertyChangeSubscriber | |
CCommunicationPropertyValidatorInterface | |
CFunctionInvokerInterface | |
►NacsdkDefaultSampleApplicationOptions | |
CNullMetricRecorder | |
►NacsdkDeviceSettingsManager | |
CDeviceSettingsManagerBuilder | |
►NacsdkDeviceSetup | |
►Ntest | |
CDeviceSetupTest | |
►NacsdkDeviceSetupInterfaces | |
CDeviceSetupInterface | Satisfies the AVS DeviceSetup Interface |
►NacsdkEqualizer | |
►Ntest | |
CEqualizerControllerTest | |
CEqualizerLinearBandMapperTest | |
CInMemoryEqualizerConfigurationTest | |
CSDKConfigEqualizerConfigurationTest | |
CEqualizerBandMapperInterface | |
CEqualizerCapabilityAgent | |
CEqualizerController | |
CEqualizerLinearBandMapper | |
CEqualizerUtils | |
CInMemoryEqualizerConfiguration | |
CMiscDBEqualizerStorage | |
CSDKConfigEqualizerConfiguration | |
►NacsdkEqualizerInterfaces | |
►Ntest | |
CEqualizerStorageInterfaceTest | |
CMockEqualizerConfigurationInterface | |
CMockEqualizerControllerListenerInterface | |
CMockEqualizerInterface | |
CMockEqualizerModeControllerInterface | |
CMockEqualizerStorageInterface | |
CEqualizerConfigurationInterface | |
CEqualizerControllerListenerInterface | |
CEqualizerInterface | |
CEqualizerModeControllerInterface | |
CEqualizerRuntimeSetupInterface | |
CEqualizerState | |
CEqualizerStorageInterface | |
►NacsdkExternalMediaPlayer | |
►Ntest | |
CExternalMediaPlayerTest | |
CMockExternalMediaAdapterHandler | Mock class for ExternalMediaPlayerAdapterHandler |
CMockRenderPlayerInfoCardsProviderRegistrar | |
CAuthorizedPlayerInfo | |
CAuthorizedSender | |
CExternalMediaAdapterHandler | |
CExternalMediaPlayer | |
CStaticExternalMediaPlayerAdapterHandler | |
►NacsdkExternalMediaPlayerInterfaces | |
►Ntest | |
CMockExternalMediaPlayer | Mock class or ExternalMediaPlayer |
CMockExternalMediaPlayerAdapter | Mock class of ExternalMediaAdapterInterface |
CMockExternalMediaPlayerObserver | Mock class for the ExternalMediaPlayerObserverInterface |
CAdapterPlaybackState | |
CAdapterSessionState | |
CAdapterState | |
CDiscoveredPlayerInfo | |
►CExternalMediaAdapterHandlerInterface | |
CPlayParams | PlayParams is a struct that contains the parameters for the play method |
►CExternalMediaAdapterInterface | |
CHandlePlayParams | |
CExternalMediaPlayerInterface | |
CExternalMediaPlayerObserverInterface | |
CObservablePlaybackStateProperties | |
CObservableSessionProperties | |
CPlayerInfo | |
CPlayerInfoBase | |
►NacsdkInteractionModel | |
►Ntest | |
CInteractionModelCapabilityAgentTest | Test harness for InteractionModelCapabilityAgent class |
CInteractionModelCapabilityAgentWrapper | A wrapper for InteractionModelCapabilityAgent for easy testing |
CMockObserver | |
►NacsdkInteractionModelInterfaces | |
CInteractionModelRequestProcessingObserverInterface | A directive observer for an InteractionModelCapabilityAgent |
►NacsdkKWDImplementations | |
►Ntest | |
CAbstractKeyWordDetectorTest | |
CMockKeyWordDetector | |
CMockKeywordDetectorStateNotifier | A test KeywordDetectorStateNotifier |
CMockKeywordNotifier | A test KeywordNotifier |
CMockKeyWordObserver | A test observer that mocks out the KeyWordObserverInterface#onKeyWordDetected() call |
CMockStateObserver | A test observer that mocks out the KeyWordDetectorStateObserverInterface#onStateChanged() call |
CAbstractKeywordDetector | |
CKWDNotifierFactories | |
►NacsdkManufactory | |
►Ninternal | |
CAbstractPointerCache | |
CAbstractRecipe | |
CContainsTupleTypes | |
CContainsTupleTypes< std::tuple< ContainerTypes... >, std::tuple< TupleTypes... > > | |
CContainsType | |
►CContainsType< std::tuple< ContainedTypes... >, Type > | |
CBoolValues | |
CIsFalse | |
CContainsTypes | |
►CContainsTypes< Container, Types... > | |
CBoolValues | |
CIsTrue | |
CCookBook | |
►CDedupTypes | |
►CDedupOperation | |
CApply | |
CApply< std::tuple< ResultTypes... >, Type > | |
CDefaultValues | |
CDefaultValues< OptionalImport< Type >, Types... > | |
CDefaultValues< Type, Types... > | |
CDefaultValues<> | |
►CFold | |
CApply | |
CApply< Operation, Result0 > | |
CApply< Operation, Result0, A1 > | |
CApply< Operation, Result0, A1, A2 > | |
CApply< Operation, Result0, A1, A2, A3 > | |
CApply< Operation, Result0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, An... > | |
CApply< Operation, Result0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, An... > | |
CApply< Operation, Result0, A1, A2, A3, A4, An... > | |
►CFoldTupleTypes | |
CApply | |
CApply< Operation, Result0, std::tuple< Types... > > | |
CFoo | |
►CGetImportsAndExports | |
►CGetExportsOperation | |
CApply | |
CApply< std::tuple< ResultTypes... >, Type > | |
►CGetMakeOptionalImportsOperation | |
CApply | |
CApply< std::tuple< ResultTypes... >, MakeOptional< Type > > | |
CApply< std::tuple< ResultTypes... >, Type > | |
►CGetOptionalImportsOperation | |
CApply | |
CApply< std::tuple< ResultTypes... >, MakeOptional< Type > > | |
CApply< std::tuple< ResultTypes... >, OptionalImport< Type > > | |
CApply< std::tuple< ResultTypes... >, Type > | |
►CGetRequiredImportsOperation | |
CApply | |
CApply< std::tuple< ResultTypes... >, Import< Type > > | |
CApply< std::tuple< ResultTypes... >, Type > | |
Ctype | |
►CHasRequiredImport | |
CBoolValues | |
CIsFalse | |
CIsImport | |
CIsImport< Import< Type > > | |
CIsImport< OptionalImport< Type > > | |
CIsImport< Type > | |
CIsRequiredImport | |
CIsRequiredImport< Import< Type > > | |
CIsRequiredImport< Type > | |
CMakeOptional | |
CPrintMissingExport | |
CPrintMissingExport< std::tuple<> > | |
CPrintMissingExport<> | |
CPrintMissingImport | |
CPrintMissingImport< std::tuple<> > | |
CPrintMissingImport<> | |
CRemoveCvref | |
CRemoveTypes | |
►CRemoveTypes< std::tuple< Types... >, std::tuple< Unwanted... > > | |
►CRemoveTypesOperation | |
CApply | |
CApply< std::tuple< ResultTypes... >, Type > | |
CRuntimeManufactory | |
CSharedPointerCache | |
CWeakPointerCache | |
►Ntest | |
CAB | |
CABSubclass | |
CAnnotation1 | Type used to annotate (i.e. distinguish instances of) another type |
CAnnotation2 | Type used to annotate (i.e. distinguish instances of) another type |
CAnnotation3 | Type used to annotate (i.e. distinguish instances of) another type |
CAnnotation4 | Type used to annotate (i.e. distinguish instances of) another type |
CDependency | |
CInterfaceA | |
CInterfaceAB | |
CInterfaceB | |
CManufactoryTest | |
CType1 | |
CAnnotated | |
CComponent | |
CComponentAccumulator | |
CFactorySequencer | |
CFactorySequencer< ResultType, PrecursorTypes... > | |
CImport | |
CManufactory | |
COptionalImport | |
►NacsdkNotifications | |
►Ntest | |
CFuturePromisePair | |
CMockNotificationRenderer | |
CMockNotificationRendererObserver | |
CNotificationRendererTest | |
CNotificationsCapabilityAgentTest | |
CNotificationsStorageTest | |
CStubAudioFactory | |
CTestNotificationsAudioFactory | |
CTestNotificationsObserver | |
CTestNotificationsStorage | |
►CNotificationIndicator | |
CAsset | |
CNotificationRenderer | |
CNotificationsCapabilityAgent | |
CNotificationsNotifier | |
CSQLiteNotificationsStorage | |
►NacsdkNotificationsInterfaces | |
CNotificationRendererInterface | |
CNotificationRendererObserverInterface | |
CNotificationsObserverInterface | |
CNotificationsStorageInterface | |
►NacsdkPostConnectOperationProviderRegistrar | |
►Ntest | |
CMockPostConnectOperationProvider | |
CMockStartupNotifier | |
CPostConnectOperationProviderRegistrar | |
►NacsdkPostConnectOperationProviderRegistrarInterfaces | |
CPostConnectOperationProviderRegistrarInterface | |
►NacsdkSampleApplicationCBLAuthRequester | |
CSampleApplicationCBLAuthRequester | |
►NacsdkSampleApplicationInterfaces | |
CUIAuthNotifierInterface | |
CUIManagerInterface | |
CUIStateAggregatorInterface | |
►NacsdkShutdownManager | |
►Ntest | |
CMockRequiresShutdown | |
CRequiresShutdownHelper | |
CShutdownManagerTest | |
CShutdownManager | |
CShutdownNotifier | |
►NacsdkShutdownManagerInterfaces | |
►Ntest | |
CMockShutdownNotifier | |
CShutdownManagerInterface | |
►NacsdkStartupManager | |
►Ntest | |
CMockRequiresStartup | |
CStartupManagerTest | |
CStartupManager | |
CStartupNotifier | |
►NacsdkStartupManagerInterfaces | |
►Ntest | |
CMockStartupNotifier | Mock class for StartupNotifierInterface |
CRequiresStartupInterface | |
CStartupManagerInterface | |
►NacsdkSystemClockMonitor | |
►Ntest | |
CMockSystemClockObserver | |
CSystemClockMonitorTest | |
CSystemClockMonitor | |
CSystemClockNotifier | |
►NacsdkSystemClockMonitorInterfaces | |
CSystemClockMonitorInterface | |
CSystemClockMonitorObserverInterface | |
►Nadsl | |
►Ntest | |
CDirectiveHandlerMockAdapter | |
CDirectiveProcessorTest | |
CDirectiveRouterTest | |
CDirectiveSequencerTest | DirectiveSequencerTest |
CMessageIntepreterTest | |
CMockDirectiveHandler | |
CMockDirectiveSequencer | |
CMockExceptionEncounteredSender | |
CDirectiveProcessor | |
CDirectiveRouter | |
CDirectiveSequencer | |
CMessageInterpreter | |
►Nafml | |
►NinterruptModel | |
►Ntest | |
CInterruptModelTest | |
CInterruptModel | |
CInterruptModelConfiguration | |
►Ntest | |
CAudioActivityTrackerTest | |
►CChannelTest | Test fixture for testing Channel |
CActivityUpdateElem | |
CFocusChangeManager | Manages testing focus changes |
CFocusManagerTest | Test fixture for testing FocusManager |
►CMockActivityTrackerInterface | A test observer that mocks out the ActivityTrackerInterface#notifyOfActivityUpdates() call |
CExpectedChannelStateResult | Structure of expected Channel::State result from tests |
CMockChannelObserver | MockChannelObserver for tests |
►CTestClient | A test observer that mocks out the ChannelObserverInterface#onFocusChanged() call |
CtestClientInfo | |
CVisualActivityTrackerTest | Test harness for VisualActivityTrackerTest class |
CActivityTrackerInterface | |
CAudioActivityTracker | |
►CChannel | |
CState | |
►CFocusManager | |
CChannelConfiguration | |
CVisualActivityTracker | |
►NalexaChannelController | |
►Ntest | |
CAlexaChannelControllerCapabilityAgentTest | |
CMockAlexaChannelControllerInterface | |
CAlexaChannelControllerFactory | |
►NalexaChannelControllerInterfaces | |
►CChannelControllerInterface | |
CResponse | |
CChannelControllerObserverInterface | |
►NalexaChannelControllerTypes | |
CChannel | |
►NalexaInputController | |
►Ntest | |
CInputControllerCapabilityAgentTest | Test harness for InputControllerCapabilityAgentTest class |
CMockHandler | |
CAlexaInputControllerFactory | |
►NalexaInputControllerInterfaces | |
►CInputControllerInterface | |
CResponse | |
CInputControllerObserverInterface | |
►NalexaLiveViewController | |
►Ntest | |
CAlexaLiveViewControllerCapabilityAgentTest | |
CMockAlexaLiveViewControllerInterface | |
CMockRtcscAppClient | |
CAlexaLiveViewControllerFactory | |
►NalexaLiveViewControllerInterfaces | |
CAudioProperties | |
CCamera | |
CConfiguration | |
CDisplayProperties | |
►CLiveViewControllerInterface | |
CResponse | |
CStartLiveViewRequest | |
CLiveViewControllerObserverInterface | |
CParticipants | |
CTarget | |
CViewer | |
CViewerExperience | |
►NalexaPresentation | |
►Ntest | |
CAlexaPresentationTest | Test harness for AlexaPresentationTest class |
CAlexaPresentationFactory | |
►NalexaPresentationInterfaces | |
►Ntest | |
CMockAlexaPresentationCapabilityAgent | |
CAlexaPresentationCapabilityAgentInterface | |
►NalexaRecordController | |
►Ntest | |
CAlexaRecordControllerCapabilityAgentTest | |
CMockRecordControllerHandlerInterface | |
CAlexaRecordControllerFactory | |
►NalexaRecordControllerInterfaces | |
►CRecordControllerInterface | |
CResponse | |
►NalexaRemoteVideoPlayer | |
CAlexaRemoteVideoPlayerFactory | |
►NalexaRemoteVideoPlayerInterfaces | |
►CConfiguration | |
CCatalog | |
►CRemoteVideoPlayerInterface | |
CResponse | |
►CRemoteVideoPlayerRequest | |
CTimeWindow | |
►NaplCapabilityAgent | |
►Ntest | |
CAlexaPresentationAPLVideoConfigParserTest | Test harness for AlexaPresentationAPLVideoConfigParser class |
CAlexaPresentationAPLFactory | |
►NaplCapabilityCommon | |
►Ntest | |
CAPLCATest | |
CBaseAPLCapabilityAgentTest | Test harness for BaseAPLCapabilityAgent class |
CAPLPayloadParser | |
►CBaseAPLCapabilityAgent | |
CPresentationSessionFieldNames | |
►NaplCapabilityCommonInterfaces | |
►NaplEventPayload | |
CDataSourceFetch | |
CRuntimeError | |
CUserEvent | |
CVisualContext | |
►Ntest | |
CMockAPLCapabilityAgent | |
CMockAPLCapabilityAgentObserver | Mock of APLCapabilityAgentObserverInterface for testing |
CMockAPLDocumentObserver | |
CMockAPLDocumentSession | |
CMockAPLRuntime | |
CMockVisualStateProvider | |
CAPLCapabilityAgentInterface | |
CAPLCapabilityAgentObserverInterface | |
CAPLDocumentObserverInterface | |
CAPLDocumentSessionInterface | |
CAPLRuntimeInterface | |
CAutoInitializedExtension | |
CGrantedExtension | |
CPresentationOptions | |
CPresentationSession | |
CVideoSettings | |
CVisualStateProviderInterface | |
►NapplicationUtilities | |
►NandroidUtilities | |
►Ntest | |
CAndroidSLESBufferQueueTest | |
CAndroidSLESMicrophoneTest | |
►CAndroidSLESObjectTest | |
CMockInterface | This will be used to mock the getInterface result |
CMockAndroidSLESObject | |
CMockInterface | |
CMockInterfaceImpl | |
CAndroidLogger | |
CAndroidSLESBufferQueue | |
CAndroidSLESEngine | |
CAndroidSLESMicrophone | |
CAndroidSLESObject | |
►Nresources | |
►Naudio | |
CAlertsAudioFactory | |
CAudioFactory | |
CCommunicationsAudioFactory | |
CMicrophoneInterface | This acts as an interface to record audio input from a microphone |
CNotificationsAudioFactory | |
CSystemSoundAudioFactory | |
►NSDKComponent | |
CSDKComponent | |
►NsystemSoundPlayer | |
►Ntest | |
CStubAudioFactory | Stub class that implements AudioFactoryInterface |
CSystemSoundPlayerTest | SystemSoundPlayerTest unit tests |
CSystemSoundPlayer | |
►NaudioEncoder | |
►Ntest | |
CAudioEncoderTest | |
CMockEncoderContext | |
CAudioEncoderParams | Audio encoder parameters |
►NaudioEncoderInterfaces | |
CAudioEncoderInterface | Interface for encoding audio stream |
CBlockAudioEncoderInterface | Block audio encoder interface |
►Nauthorization | |
►NcblAuthDelegate | |
CCBLAuthDelegate | |
CSQLiteCBLAuthDelegateStorage | |
►NavsCommon | |
►Navs | |
►Nattachment | |
►Ntest | |
CMockAttachmentManager | Mock class that implements the AttachmentManager |
CAttachment | |
CAttachmentManager | |
CAttachmentManagerInterface | |
CAttachmentReader | |
CAttachmentUtils | |
CAttachmentWriter | |
CDefaultAttachmentReader | |
CInProcessAttachment | |
CInProcessAttachmentReader | |
CInProcessAttachmentWriter | |
►NcapabilitySemantics | |
CActionsToDirectiveMapping | |
CCapabilitySemantics | |
CStatesToRangeMapping | |
CStatesToValueMapping | |
►Ninitialization | |
►Ntest | |
CAlexaClientSDKInitTest | Test harness for AlexaClientSDKInit class |
CSDKPrimitivesProviderTest | Test harness for AlexaClientSDKInit class |
CAlexaClientSDKInit | |
CInitializationParameters | |
CInitializationParametersBuilder | |
CSDKPrimitivesProvider | |
►Ntest | |
CAttachmentManagerTest | |
CAttachmentReaderTest | |
CAttachmentTest | |
CAttachmentUtilsTest | |
CAttachmentWriterTest | |
CCapabilityConfigurationTest | |
CCapabilityResourcesTest | |
CCapabilitySemanticsTest | |
CEditableMessageRequestTest | |
CHandlerAndPolicyTest | |
CMessageRequestTest | |
CMockAttachmentReader | |
CMockMessageRequestObserver | |
CNamespaceAndNameTest | NamespaceAndNameTest |
CTestDirectiveHandler | Minimal DirectiveHandlerInterface implementation so we can generate instance pointers |
CAbstractAVSConnectionManager | |
CAVSContext | |
CAVSDirective | |
►CAVSDiscoveryEndpointAttributes | |
CAdditionalAttributes | |
CRegistration | |
CAVSMessage | |
CAVSMessageEndpoint | |
CAVSMessageHeader | |
►CBlockingPolicy | |
CMedium | |
►CCapabilityAgent | |
CDirectiveInfo | |
►CCapabilityConfiguration | |
CProperties | |
CCapabilityResources | |
CCapabilityState | |
CCapabilityTag | |
CComponentConfiguration | |
CDialogUXStateAggregator | |
CEditableMessageRequest | |
CExceptionEncounteredSender | |
CHandlerAndPolicy | |
►CMessageRequest | |
CEventHeaders | A struct to hold event namespace and name |
CNamedReader | A struct to hold an AttachmentReader alongside its name |
CNamespaceAndName | |
CPlayRequestor | |
CWaitableMessageRequest | |
►NsdkInterfaces | |
►Naudio | |
►Ntest | |
CMockAlertsAudioFactory | Mock class that implements AlertsAudioFactoryInterface |
CMockSystemSoundAudioFactory | Mock class that implements SystemSoundAudioFactoryInterface |
CAlertsAudioFactoryInterface | |
CAudioFactoryInterface | |
CCommunicationsAudioFactoryInterface | |
CNotificationsAudioFactoryInterface | |
CSystemSoundAudioFactoryInterface | |
►Nbluetooth | |
►Nservices | |
►Ntest | |
CMockBluetoothService | |
CA2DPSinkInterface | |
CA2DPSourceInterface | |
CAVRCPControllerInterface | Used to implement an instance of AVRCPController (Audio/Video Remote Control Profile) |
CAVRCPTargetInterface | Used to implement an instance of AVRCPTarget (Audio/Video Remote Control Profile) |
CBluetoothServiceInterface | |
CHFPInterface | |
CHIDInterface | |
CSDPRecordInterface | Used to implement ServiceDiscoveryProtocol records. This allows identification of the service |
CSPPInterface | |
►Ntest | |
CMockBluetoothDevice | |
CMockBluetoothDeviceConnectionRule | |
CMockBluetoothDeviceManager | |
CMockBluetoothHostController | |
CBluetoothDeviceConnectionRuleInterface | |
►CBluetoothDeviceInterface | Represents a Bluetooth Device |
CMetaData | |
CBluetoothDeviceManagerInterface | |
CBluetoothHostControllerInterface | |
►Ndiagnostics | |
CAudioInjectorInterface | |
CDevicePropertyAggregatorInterface | |
CDiagnosticsInterface | |
CProtocolTracerInterface | |
►Nendpoints | |
►Ntest | |
CMockEndpoint | Mocks an endpoint object |
CMockEndpointBuilder | Mocks an endpoint builder |
CMockEndpointCapabilitiesRegistrar | Mocks an endpoint capabilities registrar |
CMockEndpointRegistrationManager | Mocks an endpoint registration manager |
CMockEndpointRegistrationObserver | Mocks an endpoint registration observer |
CDefaultEndpointAnnotation | |
CEndpointBuilderInterface | |
►CEndpointCapabilitiesBuilderInterface | |
CCapability | |
CEndpointCapabilitiesRegistrarInterface | |
CEndpointInterface | |
CEndpointModificationData | |
CEndpointRegistrationManagerInterface | |
CEndpointRegistrationObserverInterface | |
►NmodeController | |
CModeControllerAttributeBuilderInterface | |
CModeControllerAttributes | |
CModeControllerInterface | |
►CModeControllerObserverInterface | |
CModeState | |
►NpowerController | |
CPowerControllerInterface | |
►CPowerControllerObserverInterface | |
CPowerState | |
►NrangeController | |
CRangeControllerAttributeBuilderInterface | |
CRangeControllerAttributes | |
►CRangeControllerInterface | |
CRangeControllerConfiguration | |
►CRangeControllerObserverInterface | |
CRangeState | |
►Nstorage | |
►Ntest | |
CMockMiscStorage | |
CStubMiscStorage | |
CMiscStorageInterface | |
►Ntest | |
CDirectiveHandlerMockAdapter | A mock adapter that allow us to mock the preHandleDirective since gmock does not work with unique_ptr |
CMockAlexaInterfaceMessageSender | Mock class that implements the AlexaInterfaceResponseSender |
CMockAuthObserver | A mock object that implements the AuthObserverInterface |
CMockAVSConnectionManager | Mock class that implements AVSCOnnectionManagerInterface |
CMockAVSGatewayAssigner | |
CMockAVSGatewayManager | |
CMockAVSGatewayObserver | |
CMockCapabilitiesDelegate | Mock class that implements the CapabilitiesDelegateInterface |
CMockCapabilityConfigurationInterface | Mock class that implements the CapabilityConfigurationInterface |
CMockChannelVolumeInterface | |
CMockChannelVolumeManager | |
CMockComponentReporterInterface | Mock class that implements the ComponentReporterInterface |
CMockContextManager | Mock class that implements the ContextManager |
CMockDirectiveHandler | Mock directive handler |
CMockDirectiveHandlerResult | Mock DirectiveHandlerResultInterface implementation |
CMockDirectiveSequencer | Mock class that implements the DirectiveSequencer |
CMockExceptionEncounteredSender | |
CMockFocusManager | Mock class that implements the FocusManager |
CMockFocusManagerObserver | Mock class that implements the FocusManagerObserver |
CMockLocaleAssetsManager | |
CMockMessageSender | Mock class that implements the MessageSender |
CMockPlaybackHandler | |
CMockPlaybackRouter | |
CMockPowerResourceManager | |
CMockRenderPlayerInfoCardsObserver | |
CMockRevokeAuthorizationObserver | |
CMockSpeaker | |
CMockSpeakerInterface | |
CMockSpeakerManager | |
CMockStateSynchronizerObserver | |
CMockSystemSoundPlayer | |
CMockTimerDelegateFactory | A mock of TimerDelegateFactoryInterface |
CMockUserInactivityMonitor | Mock class that implements UserInactivityMonitorInterface |
CMockUserInactivityMonitorObserver | Mock class that implements UserInactivityMonitorObserverInterface |
►Ntiming | |
CTimerDelegateFactoryInterface | A factory for creating TimerDelegateInterface |
CTimerDelegateInterface | |
►NtoggleController | |
CToggleControllerAttributeBuilderInterface | |
CToggleControllerAttributes | |
CToggleControllerInterface | |
►CToggleControllerObserverInterface | |
CToggleState | |
CAlexaEventProcessedObserverInterface | |
CAlexaInterfaceMessageSenderInterface | |
CApplicationMediaInterfaces | |
CAudioFocusAnnotation | |
CAudioInputProcessorObserverInterface | A state observer for an AudioInputProcessor |
CAuthDelegateInterface | |
►CAuthObserverInterface | |
CFullState | An aggregated structure to simplify working with State and Error |
CAVSConnectionManagerInterface | |
CAVSGatewayAssignerInterface | |
CAVSGatewayManagerInterface | |
CAVSGatewayObserverInterface | |
CCallManagerInterface | |
►CCallStateObserverInterface | |
CCallStateInfo | An struct containing call state information |
CCapabilitiesDelegateInterface | |
CCapabilitiesDelegateObserverInterface | |
CCapabilityConfigurationChangeObserverInterface | |
CCapabilityConfigurationInterface | |
CChannelObserverInterface | |
CChannelVolumeFactoryInterface | |
CChannelVolumeInterface | |
CComponentReporterInterface | |
►CConnectionStatusObserverInterface | |
CEngineConnectionStatus | |
CContextManagerInterface | |
CContextManagerObserverInterface | |
CContextRequesterInterface | |
CDialogUXStateObserverInterface | A dialog specific UX state observer |
CDirectiveHandlerInterface | |
CDirectiveHandlerResultInterface | |
CDirectiveSequencerInterface | |
CDtmfObserverInterface | |
CEventTracerInterface | |
CExceptionEncounteredSenderInterface | |
CExpectSpeechTimeoutHandlerInterface | |
►CFocusManagerInterface | |
CActivity | |
CFocusManagerObserverInterface | An interface that clients can extend to register to observe focus changes |
CGlobalSettingsObserverInterface | |
CGUIActivityEventObserverInterface | |
►CHTTPContentFetcherInterface | |
CHeader | |
CHTTPContentFetcherInterfaceFactoryInterface | |
CInternetConnectionMonitorInterface | |
CInternetConnectionObserverInterface | |
CKeyWordDetectorStateObserverInterface | |
CKeyWordObserverInterface | |
CLocaleAssetsManagerInterface | |
CLocaleAssetsObserverInterface | |
CLocalPlaybackHandlerInterface | |
CMediaPropertiesInterface | |
CMessageObserverInterface | |
CMessageRequestObserverInterface | |
CMessageSenderInterface | This specifies an interface to send a message |
CPlaybackHandlerInterface | |
CPlaybackRouterInterface | |
CPostConnectOperationInterface | |
CPostConnectOperationProviderInterface | |
►CPowerResourceManagerInterface | |
CPowerResourceId | |
►CRenderPlayerInfoCardsObserverInterface | |
CContext | The context of the RenderPlayerInfoCards from the RenderPlayerInfoCards provider |
CRenderPlayerInfoCardsProviderInterface | |
CRenderPlayerInfoCardsProviderRegistrarInterface | |
CRevokeAuthorizationObserverInterface | |
CSingleSettingObserverInterface | |
CSoftwareInfoSenderObserverInterface | |
►CSpeakerInterface | |
CSpeakerSettings | |
►CSpeakerManagerInterface | |
CNotificationProperties | |
CSpeakerManagerObserverInterface | |
CSpeechInteractionHandlerInterface | |
CSpeechSynthesizerObserverInterface | |
CStateProviderInterface | |
CStateSynchronizerObserverInterface | |
CSystemSoundPlayerInterface | |
CSystemTimeZoneInterface | |
CUserInactivityMonitorInterface | |
CUserInactivityMonitorObserverInterface | |
CVisualFocusAnnotation | |
►Ntest | |
CBlockingPolicyTest | |
CCapabilityAgentTest | |
CDialogUXAggregatorTest | Test fixture for testing DialogUXStateAggregator |
CExceptionEncounteredEvent | |
CExceptionEncounteredSenderTest | Test harness for ExceptionEncounteredSender class |
CMIMEParserTest | |
CMockCapabilityAgent | |
CMockResult | Mock DirectiveHandlerResultInterface implementation |
CStateChangeManager | Manages testing state changes |
CTestObserver | A test observer that mocks out the DialogUXStateObserverInterface#onDialogUXStateChanged() call |
CUUIDGenerationTest | |
►Nutils | |
►NaudioAnalyzer | |
CAudioAnalyzerState | |
►Nbluetooth | |
CA2DPSinkRecord | A SDP record representing A2DPSink |
CA2DPSourceRecord | A SDP record representing A2DPSource |
CAVRCPControllerRecord | A SDP record representing AVRCPController |
CAVRCPTargetRecord | A SDP record representing AVRCPTarget |
CBluetoothDeviceManagerInitializedEvent | |
CBluetoothEvent | Base class for a BluetoothEvent |
CBluetoothEventBus | |
CBluetoothEventListenerInterface | |
CBluetoothEventTypeHash | Helper struct to allow enum class to be a key in collections |
CDeviceDiscoveredEvent | |
CDeviceRemovedEvent | |
CDeviceStateChangedEvent | |
CFormattedAudioStreamAdapter | |
CFormattedAudioStreamAdapterListener | |
CHFPRecord | A SDP record representing HFP |
CHIDRecord | A SDP record representing HID |
CMediaCommandReceivedEvent | |
CMediaStreamingStateChangedEvent | |
CScanningStateChangedEvent | |
CSDPRecord | Base class for an SDPRecord object used |
CSPPRecord | A SDP record representing SPP |
CToggleA2DPProfileStateChangedEvent | |
►Nconfiguration | |
►Ntest | |
CConfigurationNodeTest | |
CConfigurationNode | |
►Nerror | |
CFinallyGuard | |
CResult | |
CSuccessResult | |
►Nfunctional | |
CEnumClassHash | |
►Nhttp2 | |
►Ntest | |
CMockHTTP2Connection | |
CMockHTTP2Request | |
CHTTP2ConnectionFactoryInterface | |
CHTTP2ConnectionInterface | |
CHTTP2ConnectionObserverInterface | |
CHTTP2GetMimeHeadersResult | |
CHTTP2MimeRequestEncoder | |
CHTTP2MimeRequestSourceInterface | |
CHTTP2MimeResponseDecoder | |
CHTTP2MimeResponseSinkInterface | |
CHTTP2RequestConfig | |
CHTTP2RequestInterface | |
CHTTP2RequestSourceInterface | |
CHTTP2ResponseSinkInterface | |
CHTTP2SendDataResult | |
CMockHTTP2MimeRequestEncodeSource | |
CMockHTTP2MimeResponseDecodeSink | |
►Njson | |
►Ntest | |
CJsonGeneratorTest | |
CJSONUtilTest | Define test fixture for testing AVSMessage |
CJsonGenerator | |
►NlibcurlUtils | |
►Ntest | |
CMockHttpGet | A mock object that implements the HttpGetInterface |
CMockHttpPost | A mock object that implements the HttpPostInterface |
CCallbackData | |
CCurlEasyHandleWrapper | |
CCurlEasyHandleWrapperOptionsSettingAdapter | |
CCurlMultiHandleWrapper | |
CDefaultSetCurlOptionsCallbackFactory | |
CHTTPContentFetcherFactory | |
CHttpGetInterface | Minimal interface for making HTTP GET requests |
CHttpPost | LIBCURL based implementation of HttpPostInterface |
CHttpPostInterface | Minimal interface for making Http POST requests |
CHttpPut | LIBCURL based implementation of HttpPutInterface |
CHttpPutInterface | Minimal interface for making HTTP PUT requests |
CHTTPResponse | |
CLibcurlHTTP2Connection | |
CLibCurlHTTP2Connection_Test | |
CLibcurlHTTP2ConnectionFactory | |
CLibCurlHTTP2ConnectionTest | |
CLibcurlHTTP2Request | |
CLibCurlHttpContentFetcher | |
CLibcurlSetCurlOptionsCallbackFactoryInterface | |
CLibcurlSetCurlOptionsCallbackInterface | |
►Nlogger | |
►Ntest | |
CHTTPContentTest | |
CLogEntryStreamTest | |
CLoggerTest | |
CMockLogger | |
CMockModuleLogger | |
CTestLogger | |
CConsoleLogger | |
CLogEntry | LogEntry is used to compile the log entry text to log via Logger |
CLogEntryBuffer | |
CLogEntryStream | |
CLogger | |
CLoggerSinkManager | |
CLogLevelObserverInterface | |
CLogStringFormatter | |
CModuleLogger | |
CSinkObserverInterface | |
CTestTrace | |
CThreadMoniker | |
►NmediaPlayer | |
►Ntest | |
CMockMediaPlayer | A mock MediaPlayer for unit tests |
CMockMediaPlayerHelper | |
CFingerprint | |
CMediaDescription | |
CMediaPlayerFactoryInterface | |
CMediaPlayerFactoryObserverInterface | |
CMediaPlayerInterface | |
►CMediaPlayerObserverInterface | |
CTagKeyValueType | |
►CMediaPlayerState | |
CMediaPlayerProtection | |
CPlaybackAttributes | |
CPlaybackContext | |
CPlaybackReport | |
CPooledMediaResourceProvider | |
CPooledMediaResourceProviderInterface | |
►CSourceConfig | |
CAudioNormalizationConfig | |
CFadeInConfig | |
►Nmetrics | |
►Ntest | |
CDataPointTest | |
CMetricEventTest | |
CMockMetricRecorder | |
CDataPoint | |
CDataPointCounterBuilder | |
CDataPointDurationBuilder | |
CDataPointStringBuilder | |
CMetricEvent | |
CMetricEventBuilder | |
CMetricRecorderInterface | |
CMetricSinkInterface | |
CUplCalculatorInterface | |
CUplData | |
►Nnetwork | |
►Ntest | |
CMockInternetConnectionMonitor | |
CInternetConnectionMonitor | |
►Nobserver | |
►Ntest | |
CTestMessageRequestObserver | |
►NplaylistParser | |
CEncryptionInfo | |
CIterativePlaylistParserInterface | |
CPlaylistEntry | |
CPlaylistParserInterface | |
CPlaylistParserObserverInterface | |
►Npower | |
►Ntest | |
CAggregatedPowerResourceManagerTest | |
CPowerResourceTest | |
CAggregatedPowerResourceManager | |
CNoOpPowerResourceManager | |
CPowerMonitor | |
CPowerResource | |
CWakeGuard | |
►Nsds | |
►NSharedDataStream | |
►CBufferLayout | |
CHeader | |
►CReader | |
CError | |
►CWriter | |
CError | |
►Ntest | |
►CMinimalTraits | |
CAtomicBool | An AtomicBool type with the minimum functionality required by SDS |
CAtomicIndex | An AtomicIndex type with the minimum functionality required by SDS |
CBuffer | A Buffer type with the minimum functionality required by SDS |
CConditionVariable | A ConditionVariable type with the minimum functionality required by SDS |
CMutex | A Mutex type with the minimum functionality required by SDS |
CMinimalTraits2 | |
CSharedDataStreamTest | The test harness for the tests below |
CSink | A data sink class which can read and verify an aribrary amount of data at a specified rate and block size |
CSource | A data source class which can generate an aribrary amount of data at a specified rate and block size |
CInProcessSDSTraits | Structure for specifying the traits of a SharedDataStream which works between threads in a single process |
►Nstream | |
CStreambuf | |
►Ntest | |
CDeviceInfoTest | |
CMacAddressStringTest | |
CMockRequiresShutdown | Mock class that implements RequiresShutdown |
CObject | Test class which implements RequiresShutdown |
CStreambufTest | |
CStreamFunctionsTest | |
►Nthreading | |
►Ntest | |
CExampleFunctor | |
CExecutorTest | |
CSimpleObject | |
CSlowDestructor | Used by futureWaitsForTaskCleanup delay and timestamp the time of lambda parameter destruction |
CConditionVariableWrapper | |
CExecutor | Single-thread executor implementation |
CExecutorInterface | Interface for asynchronous execution of functions |
CTaskThread | |
CThreadPool | |
CWorkerThread | |
►Ntiming | |
►Ntest | |
CStopTaskTimer | |
CStopTaskTimerDelegateFactory | |
CStopwatchTest | Test harness for Stopwatch class |
CTimerDelegateTest | |
CTimerTest | Test harness for Timer class |
CMultiTimer | |
CSafeCTimeAccess | |
CStopwatch | |
CTimePoint | |
CTimer | Timer to schedule task for delayed and periodic execution |
CTimerDelegate | |
CTimerDelegateFactory | |
CTimeUtils | |
CAudioFormat | |
CDeviceInfo | |
CDummy | |
CEndianTest | |
CGuardedValue | |
CHTTPContent | |
CMacAddressString | |
CMetrics | |
COptional | |
CPromiseFuturePair | |
CPromiseFuturePair< void > | |
CReferenceCounter | |
CRequiresShutdown | |
CRetryTimer | |
CStructWithoutDefaultConstructor | |
CTestableAttachmentManager | |
CTestableAttachmentWriter | |
CTestableMessageObserver | |
CTestMimeAttachmentPart | |
CTestMimeJsonPart | |
CTestMimePart | |
►CTypeIndex | |
CTypeSpecific | |
CWaitEvent | |
CWavHeader | |
►NavsGatewayManager | |
►Nstorage | |
►Ntest | |
CAVSGatewayManagerStorageTest | |
CAVSGatewayManagerStorage | |
CAVSGatewayManagerStorageInterface | |
►Ntest | |
CAuthRefreshedObserverTest | |
CAVSGatewayManagerTest | |
CEventData | |
CMockAuthDelegate | |
CMockAVSGatewayManagerStorage | |
CPostConnectVerifyGatewaySenderTest | |
CAuthRefreshedObserver | |
CAVSGatewayManager | |
CGatewayVerifyState | |
CPostConnectVerifyGatewaySender | |
►NbluetoothImplementations | |
►NblueZ | |
►Ntest | |
CBlueZAVRCPTargetTest | |
CEnvironment | Class used to properly initialize and tear down g_connection |
CMockDBusProxy | |
CMockListener | A mock listener for the BluetoothEventBus |
CMPRISPlayerSupportedMediaTest | Parameterized test fixture for supported org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player DBus Media Methods |
CMPRISPlayerTest | |
CMPRISPlayerUnsupportedTest | Parameterized test fixture for unsupported DBus Media Methods |
CBlueZA2DPSink | |
CBlueZA2DPSource | |
CBlueZAVRCPController | |
CBlueZAVRCPTarget | A BlueZ implementation of the AVRCPTargetInterface |
CBlueZBluetoothDevice | A BlueZ implementation of the BluetoothDeviceInterface |
CBlueZBluetoothDeviceManager | |
CBlueZConstants | |
CBlueZDeviceManager | |
CBlueZHFP | |
CBlueZHID | |
CBlueZHostController | An implementation of the BluetoothHostControllerInterface using BlueZ |
CBlueZSPP | |
CDBusConnection | |
CDBusObject | |
CDBusObjectBase | |
CDBusPropertiesProxy | |
CDBusProxy | |
CGVariantMapReader | |
CGVariantTupleReader | |
CManagedGError | |
CManagedGVariant | |
CMediaContext | |
CMediaEndpoint | |
CMPRISPlayer | |
CPairingAgent | |
CPulseAudioBluetoothInitializer | |
►NcapabilitiesDelegate | |
►Nstorage | |
►Ntest | |
CSQLiteCapabilitiesDelegateStorageTest | |
CCapabilitiesDelegateStorageInterface | |
CSQLiteCapabilitiesDelegateStorage | |
►Ntest | |
CCapabilitiesDelegateTest | |
CDiscoveryEventSenderTest | |
CEventData | |
CMockAuthDelegate | |
CMockCapabilitiesDelegateObserver | |
CMockCapabilitiesDelegateStorage | |
CMockDiscoveryEventSender | |
CMockDiscoveryStatusObserver | |
CPostConnectCapabilitiesPublisherTest | |
►Nutils | |
►Ntest | |
CDiscoveryUtilsTest | |
CCapabilitiesDelegate | |
CDiscoveryEventSender | |
CDiscoveryEventSenderInterface | |
CDiscoveryStatusObserverInterface | |
CInProcessEndpointsToConfigMapStruct | |
CPostConnectCapabilitiesPublisher | |
►NcapabilityAgents | |
►Naip | |
►Ntest | |
CAudioInputProcessorTest | Test harness for AudioInputProcessor class |
CMockBlockAudioEncoder | Mock class that implements the BlockAudioEncoderInterface |
CMockCapabilityConfigurationChangeObserver | Mock class that implements the CapabilityConfigurationChangeObserverInterface |
CMockExpectSpeechTimeoutHandler | |
CMockObserver | Mock class that implements the Observer |
CRecognizeEvent | |
CTestDialogUXStateObserver | Class to monitor DialogUXStateAggregator for the THINKING state and automatically move it to IDLE |
CAudioInputProcessor | |
CAudioProvider | |
►Nalexa | |
►Ntest | |
CAlexaInterfaceCapabilityAgentTest | |
CAlexaInterfaceMessageSenderTest | Test harness for AlexaInterfaceMessageSender class |
CMockAlexaInterfaceMessageSenderInternal | A mock MockAlexaInterfaceMessageSenderInternal |
CTestEventProcessedObserver | A test EventProcessedObserver |
CAlexaEventProcessedNotifier | |
CAlexaInterfaceCapabilityAgent | |
CAlexaInterfaceMessageSender | |
CAlexaInterfaceMessageSenderInternalInterface | |
►NapiGateway | |
►Ntest | |
CApiGatewayCapabilityAgentTest | |
CApiGatewayCapabilityAgent | |
►NdoNotDisturb | |
►Ntest | |
CDoNotDisturbCapabilityAgentTest | Test harness for DoNotDisturbCapabilityAgent class |
CDNDMessageRequest | |
CDNDSettingProtocol | |
CDoNotDisturbCapabilityAgent | |
►NmodeController | |
►Ntest | |
CMockModeControllerInterface | |
CModeControllerCapabilityAgentTest | |
CModeControllerAttributeBuilder | |
CModeControllerCapabilityAgent | |
►Nmrm | |
►Ntest | |
CMockMRMHandler | |
CMRMCapabilityAgentTest | Test harness for MRMCapabilityAgent class |
CSynchronizedInvocation | |
CWaitableExceptionEncounteredSender | |
CMRMCapabilityAgent | |
CMRMHandlerInterface | |
►NplaybackController | |
►Ntest | |
CPlaybackControllerTest | Test harness for StateSynchronizer class |
CPlaybackRouterTest | |
CButtonCommand_v1_0 | |
CButtonCommand_v1_1 | |
CPlaybackCommand | |
CPlaybackController | |
CPlaybackMessageRequest | |
CPlaybackRouter | |
CToggleCommand | |
►NpowerController | |
►Ntest | |
CMockPowerControllerInterface | |
CPowerControllerCapabilityAgentTest | |
CPowerControllerCapabilityAgent | |
►NrangeController | |
►Ntest | |
CMockRangeControllerInterface | |
CRangeControllerCapabilityAgentTest | |
CRangeControllerAttributeBuilder | |
CRangeControllerCapabilityAgent | |
►NsoftwareComponentReporter | |
►Ntest | |
CSoftwareComponentReporterCapabilityAgentTest | |
CSoftwareComponentReporterCapabilityAgent | |
►NspeechSynthesizer | |
►Ntest | |
CMockSpeechSynthesizerObserver | |
CSpeakTestInfo | |
CSpeechSynthesizerTest | |
CSpeechSynthesizer | |
►Nsystem | |
►Ntest | |
CLocaleHandlerTest | |
CMockCapabilityConfigurationChangeObserver | Mock class that implements the CapabilityConfigurationChangeObserverInterface |
CMockConnection | |
CMockSoftwareInfoSenderObserver | |
CMockStateReportGenerator | |
CReportStateHandlerTest | |
CRevokeAuthorizationHandlerTest | Test harness for RevokeAuthorizationHandler class |
CSoftwareInfoSenderTest | Test harness for SoftwareInfoSender class |
CSystemCapabilityProviderTest | Test harness for SystemCapabilityProvider |
CTimeZoneHandlerTest | |
CUserInactivityMonitorTest | Test harness for UserInactivityMonitor class |
CLocaleHandler | |
CReportStateHandler | |
CRevokeAuthorizationHandler | |
CSoftwareInfoSender | |
CSoftwareInfoSendRequest | |
CStateReportGenerator | |
CStateReportGeneratorTest | |
CSystemCapabilityProvider | |
CTimeZoneHandler | |
CUserInactivityMonitor | This class implements a CapabilityAgent that handles the SetEndpoint directive |
►NtoggleController | |
►Ntest | |
CMockToggleControllerInterface | |
CToggleControllerCapabilityAgentTest | |
CToggleControllerAttributeBuilder | |
CToggleControllerCapabilityAgent | |
►Ncaptions | |
►Ntest | |
CCaptionManagerTest | |
CCaptionTimingAdapterTest | |
CMockCaptionManager | |
CMockCaptionParser | |
CMockCaptionPresenter | |
CMockCaptionTimingAdapter | |
CMockSystemClockDelay | |
CTestTimingAdapterFactory | |
CCaptionData | |
CCaptionFrame | |
CCaptionFrameParseListenerInterface | |
CCaptionLine | |
CCaptionManager | |
CCaptionManagerInterface | |
CCaptionParserInterface | |
CCaptionPresenterInterface | |
CCaptionTimingAdapter | |
CCaptionTimingAdapterInterface | |
CDelayInterface | |
CLibwebvttParserAdapter | |
CStyle | |
CSystemClockDelay | |
CTextStyle | |
CTimingAdapterFactory | |
►NcertifiedSender | |
►Ntest | |
CCertifiedSenderTest | |
CMessageStorageTest | |
CMockCertifiedSender | |
CMockConnection | |
CMockMessageStorage | |
CCertifiedSender | |
►CMessageStorageInterface | |
CStoredMessage | |
CSQLiteMessageStorage | |
►NcodecUtils | Binary codec utilities |
►NcontextManager | |
►Ntest | |
CContextManagerTest | Context Manager Test |
CMockContextObserver | Mock context observer |
CMockContextRequester | Mock context requester |
CMockLegacyStateProvider | Mock legacy state provider |
CMockStateProvider | Mock state provider |
CContextManager | |
►Ncrypto | OpenSSL-based implementation |
►Ntest | Test cases for Cryptographic Functions Implementation |
CMapCipher | |
CMapDigest | |
►NcryptoInterfaces | Cryptographic Types and Interfaces |
►Ntest | Test stubs and mocks for Cryptography API |
CMockCryptoCodec | |
CMockCryptoFactory | |
CMockDigest | |
CMockKeyFactory | |
CMockKeyStore | |
CCryptoCodecInterface | Crypto codec (cipher) interface |
CCryptoFactoryInterface | Crypto API factory interface |
CDigestInterface | Digest computation interface |
CKeyFactoryInterface | Key factory interface |
CKeyStoreInterface | Key Store Interface |
►NdefaultClient | |
CConnectionRetryTrigger | |
CDefaultClient | |
CDefaultClientBuilder | |
CEqualizerRuntimeSetup | |
►CExternalCapabilitiesBuilderInterface | |
CCapability | |
CStubApplicationAudioPipelineFactory | |
►Ndiagnostics | |
►Ntest | |
CDevicePropertyAggregatorTest | |
CDeviceProtocolTracerTest | |
CSettingStub | Settings stub that just set the value immediately |
CAudioInjectorMicrophone | This represents a microphone which injects audio data into the shared data stream |
CDevicePropertyAggregator | |
CDeviceProtocolTracer | |
CFileBasedAudioInjector | |
►Nendpoints | |
►Ntest | |
CDefaultEndpointBuilderTest | Test harness for EndpointBuilder class |
CEndpointAttributeValidationTest | |
CEndpointBuilderTest | Test harness for EndpointBuilder class |
CEndpointRegistrationManagerTest | |
CEndpointTest | Test harness for Endpoint class |
CDefaultEndpointBuilder | |
CEndpoint | |
CEndpointBuilder | |
CEndpointRegistrationManager | |
►NfeatureClient | |
CAlexaPresentationFeatureClient | |
CAlexaPresentationFeatureClientBuilder | |
CLiveViewControllerFeatureClient | |
CLiveViewControllerFeatureClientBuilder | |
CPresentationOrchestratorFeatureClient | |
CPresentationOrchestratorFeatureClientBuilder | |
CVisualCharacteristicsFeatureClient | |
CVisualCharacteristicsFeatureClientBuilder | |
CVisualStateTrackerFeatureClient | |
CVisualStateTrackerFeatureClientBuilder | |
►Nkwd | |
►CKeywordDetectorProvider | |
CKWDRegistration | |
►NmediaPlayer | |
►Nandroid | |
►Ntest | |
CAndroidSLESMediaPlayerTest | |
CAndroidSLESMediaQueueTest | |
CAndroidSLESSpeakerTest | |
CFFmpegDecoderTest | |
CFFmpegUrlInputControllerTest | |
CMockAttachmentReader | This class mocks an attachment reader that reads from the INPUT_CSTR |
CMockCallback | Mock status callback |
CMockContentFetcherFactory | Mocks the content fetcher factory |
CMockDecoder | Mock decoder |
CMockEmptyAttachmentReader | A mock AttachmentReader that mocks reading from an empty attachment (immediate EOF) |
CMockObserver | Mocks the media player observer |
CMockPlaylistParser | |
CWaitEvent | Class that can be used to wait for an event |
CAndroidSLESMediaPlayer | |
CAndroidSLESMediaQueue | |
CAndroidSLESSpeaker | |
CDecoderInterface | |
CFFmpegAttachmentInputController | |
CFFmpegDecoder | |
CFFmpegDeleter | |
CFFmpegInputControllerInterface | |
CFFmpegStreamInputController | |
CFFmpegUrlInputController | |
CPlaybackConfiguration | |
►Ntest | |
CMediaPlayerTest | |
CMockAttachmentReader | |
CMockContentFetcher | A mock content fetcher |
CMockContentFetcherFactory | A mock factory that creates mock content fetchers |
CMockPlayerObserver | |
CNormalizerTest | |
CPooledMediaPlayerFactoryTest | |
CTestFactoryObserver | |
CAttachmentReaderSource | |
CBaseStreamSource | |
CIStreamSource | |
CMediaPlayer | |
CNormalizer | |
COffsetManager | |
CPipelineInterface | |
CPooledMediaPlayerFactory | |
CSourceInterface | |
CSourceObserverInterface | |
►Nmetrics | |
►Nimplementations | |
CBaseUplCalculator | |
CMediaUplCalculator | |
CMetricRecorder | |
CSampleMetricSink | |
CTtsUplCalculator | |
CUplMetricSink | |
►Nnotifier | Event notifier implementations |
►Ntest | Test cases for Event Broadcasting Implementation |
CNotifierDataTest | Test fixture for NotifierData |
CNotifierTest | Test fixture for Notifier |
CNotifierTraitsTest | Test fixture for NotifierTraits |
CObserverWrapperTest | Test fixture for ObserverWrapper unit tests |
CNotifier | Generic implementation of NotifierInterface |
►NnotifierInterfaces | Event notifier interfaces |
►Ntest | |
CMockNotifier | Mock class that implements NotifierInterface |
CMockNotifierTest | Test fixture for MockNotifier tests |
CNotifierInterface | Generic observer operations interface |
►Npkcs11 | HSM interface implementation |
►NplaylistParser | |
►Ntest | |
CContentDecrypterTest | Test class for ContentDecrypter class |
CId3TagsRemoverTest | Test class for Id3TagsRemoverTest class |
CIterativePlaylistParserTest | |
CMockContentFetcher | A mock content fetcher |
CMockContentFetcherFactory | A mock factory that creates mock content fetchers |
CPlaylistParserTest | |
►CTestParserObserver | |
CParseResult | A struct used for bookkeeping of parse results |
CContentDecrypter | |
CFFMpegInputBuffer | |
CId3TagsRemover | |
CIterativePlaylistParser | |
CM3UContent | A struct used to encapsulate information retrieved from an M3U playlist |
CPlayItem | |
CPlaylistParser | |
►CUrlContentToAttachmentConverter | Class that handles the streaming of urls containing media into Attachments |
CErrorObserverInterface | Class to observe errors that arise from converting a URL to to an Attachment |
CWriteCompleteObserverInterface | Class to allow notification when writing to the attachment is complete |
►NpresentationOrchestratorClient | |
►Ntest | |
CPresentationOrchestratorClientTest | Test harness for PresentationOrchestratorClient class |
►CPresentationOrchestratorClientFactory | |
CPresentationOrchestratorClientExports | |
►NpresentationOrchestratorInterfaces | |
►Ntest | |
CMockPresentationObserver | |
CMockPresentationOrchestratorStateTracker | |
CMockVisualTimeoutManager | |
CPresentationInterface | |
CPresentationMetadata | |
CPresentationObserverInterface | |
CPresentationOptions | |
CPresentationOrchestratorClientInterface | |
CPresentationOrchestratorInterface | |
CPresentationOrchestratorStateObserverInterface | |
CPresentationOrchestratorStateTrackerInterface | |
CPresentationOrchestratorWindowInfo | |
CPresentationOrchestratorWindowInstance | |
CPresentationOrchestratorWindowObserverInterface | |
CVisualTimeoutManagerInterface | |
►NpresentationOrchestratorStateTracker | |
CMockStateObserver | |
CMockVisualActivityTracker | |
CMockVisualCharacteristics | |
CMockWindowObserver | |
►CPresentationOrchestratorStateTrackerFactory | |
CPresentationOrchestratorStateTrackerExports | |
CPresentationOrchestratorStateTrackerTest | Test harness for PresentationOrchestratorStateTracker class |
►Nproperties | Properties Implementation |
CErrorCallbackInterface | Callback interface to handle errors |
CMiscStorageUriMapperInterface | Interface to map properties config URI into component name and table name |
CSimpleMiscStorageUriMapper | Generic URI mapper for MiscStorageInterface adapter |
►NpropertiesInterfaces | Properties API Interfaces and Data Types |
►Ntest | Test utilities for Properties API |
CMockProperties | Mock class for PropertiesInterface |
CMockPropertiesFactory | Mock class for PropertiesFactoryInterface |
CStubProperties | In-memory stub implementation of PropertiesInterface |
CStubPropertiesFactory | In-memory stub implementation of PropertiesFactoryInterface |
CPropertiesFactoryInterface | Factory interface to component properties |
CPropertiesInterface | This class provides an interface to a simple key/value container |
►NregistrationManager | |
►Ntest | |
CCustomerDataManagerTest | |
CMockCustomerDataHandler | |
CMockRegistrationObserver | |
CRegistrationManagerTest | |
CCustomerDataHandler | |
CCustomerDataHandlerInterface | |
CCustomerDataManagerFactory | |
CCustomerDataManagerInterface | |
CMockCustomerDataManager | |
CRegistrationManagerInterface | |
CRegistrationObserverInterface | |
►Nsample | |
►NsampleApp | |
CCaptionPresenter | |
CConsoleReader | |
CExternalCapabilitiesBuilder | |
CGuiRenderer | |
CKeywordObserver | |
CLocaleAssetsManager | |
CRevokeAuthorizationObserver | |
►CSampleApplication | Class to manage the top-level components of the AVS Client Application |
CAdapterRegistration | |
CMediaPlayerRegistration | |
CSampleEqualizerModeController | |
CSDKDiagnostics | |
CUserInputManager | Observes user input from the console and notifies the interaction manager of the user's intentions |
►NsampleApplications | |
►Ncommon | |
CConsolePrinter | |
CDefaultEndpointModeControllerHandler | |
CDefaultEndpointRangeControllerHandler | |
CDefaultEndpointToggleControllerHandler | |
CEndpointAlexaChannelControllerHandler | |
CEndpointAlexaKeypadControllerHandler | |
CEndpointAlexaLauncherHandler | |
CEndpointAlexaPlaybackControllerHandler | |
CEndpointAlexaRecordControllerHandler | |
CEndpointAlexaRemoteVideoPlayerHandler | |
CEndpointAlexaSeekControllerHandler | |
CEndpointAlexaVideoRecorderHandler | |
CEndpointCapabilitiesBuilder | |
CEndpointFocusAdapter | |
CEndpointInputControllerHandler | |
CInputControllerEndpointCapabilitiesBuilder | |
CInteractionManager | |
CKeywordObserver | |
CPeripheralEndpointModeControllerHandler | |
CPeripheralEndpointPowerControllerHandler | |
CPeripheralEndpointRangeControllerHandler | |
CPeripheralEndpointToggleControllerHandler | |
CTemplateRuntimePresentationAdapter | |
CTemplateRuntimePresentationAdapterObserverInterface | |
CUIManager | |
►NipcServerSampleApp | |
►Ncommunication | |
CMessageListenerInterface | |
CMessagingInterface | |
CMessagingServerInterface | |
CMessagingServerObserverInterface | |
►CWebSocketConfig | |
Ctransport_config | |
CWebSocketSDKLogger | Wrapper around the Alexa Client SDK logger for use by websocketspp |
CWebSocketServer | |
►Nextensions | |
►NliveView | |
CAplLiveViewExtension | |
CAplLiveViewExtensionObserverInterface | |
►Ngui | |
CGUIActivityEventNotifier | |
CGUIActivityEventNotifierInterface | |
CGUIClient | |
CGUIClientInterface | |
CGUIManager | |
CGUIServerInterface | An interface providing APIs to be used by GUIClient |
CTemplateRuntimePresentationAdapterBridge | |
►Nipc | |
►NIPCNamespaces | |
CAplCreateRendererMessage | |
CAplViewhostMessage | |
CCallStateChangeMessage | |
CClearCameraMessage | |
CClearPlayerInfoCardMessage | |
CClearRenderTemplateCardMessage | |
CClearWindowMessage | |
CCompleteAuthorizationMessage | |
CConfigureClientMessage | |
CInitClientMessage | |
CProcessChannelResultMessage | |
CProcessFocusChangedMessage | |
CRenderCameraMessage | |
CRenderCaptionsMessage | |
CRenderPlayerInfoMessage | |
CRenderTemplateMessage | |
CSetAlexaStateMessage | |
CSetAuthorizationStateMessage | |
CSetCameraStateMessage | |
CSetCaptionsStateMessage | |
CSetDoNotDisturbStateMessage | |
CSetLocalesMessage | |
CSetVisualCharacteristicsMessage | |
CAlexaCaptionsHandler | |
CAPLClientHandler | |
CAPLClientHandlerInterface | |
CAudioFocusManagerHandler | |
CAudioFocusManagerHandlerInterface | |
CDoNotDisturbHandler | |
CDoNotDisturbHandlerInterface | |
CInteractionManagerHandler | |
CInteractionManagerHandlerInterface | |
CIPCDispatcherInterface | |
CIPCHandlerBase | |
CIPCHandlerRegistrationInterface | |
CIPCRouter | |
CIPCVersionManager | |
CLiveViewCameraHandler | |
CLiveViewCameraHandlerInterface | |
CLoggerHandler | |
CLoggerHandlerInterface | |
CSessionSetupHandler | |
CSessionSetupHandlerInterface | |
CSystemHandler | |
CSystemHandlerInterface | |
CTemplateRuntimeHandler | |
CTemplateRuntimeHandlerInterface | |
CWindowManagerHandler | |
CWindowManagerHandlerInterface | |
►NliveViewController | |
CLiveViewControllerPresentationAdapter | |
►Nmessages | |
CMessage | |
CMessageInterface | |
►Ntest | |
CIPCVersionManagerTest | |
CMockMiscStorage | |
CMockRenderCaptionsInterface | |
CSmartScreenCaptionPresenterTest | |
CSmartScreenCaptionStateManagerTest | |
CAplClientBridge | |
CAplClientBridgeParameter | |
CAPLDocumentSession | |
CAPLDocumentSessionManager | |
CAPLDocumentSessionManagerInterface | |
CAPLPayloadParser | |
CAPLRuntimeInterfaceImpl | |
CAPLRuntimePresentationAdapter | |
CAPLViewhostInterface | |
CAPLViewhostObserverInterface | |
►CCachingDownloadManager | |
CCachedContent | |
CObserver | |
CConfigValidator | |
CConnectionObserver | |
CConsolePrinter | |
CDownloadMonitor | |
CExternalCapabilitiesBuilder | |
CGUILogBridge | |
CIPCAPLAgent | |
CKeywordObserver | |
CLocaleAssetsManager | |
CPortAudioMicrophoneWrapper | This acts as a wrapper around PortAudio, a cross-platform open-source audio I/O library |
CRenderCaptionsInterface | |
CRevokeAuthorizationObserver | |
►CSampleApplication | Class to manage the top-level components of the AVS Client Application |
CAdapterRegistration | |
CMediaPlayerRegistration | |
CSampleEqualizerModeController | |
CSmartScreenCaptionPresenter | |
CSmartScreenCaptionStateManager | |
CTelemetrySink | |
CTimezoneHelper | |
►NsdkClient | |
►Ninternal | |
CIsSharedPtr | |
CIsSharedPtr< std::shared_ptr< T > > | |
CTypeRegistry | |
CUnderlyingComponentType | |
CUnderlyingComponentType< Annotated< Annotation, ComponentType > > | |
►Ntest | |
CAnnotation1 | |
CAnnotation2 | |
CMockComponent | |
CMockComponent2 | |
CMockFeatureBuilderNoReqs | |
CMockFeatureBuilderTwoReqs | |
CMockFeatureNoReqs | Mock feature |
CMockFeatureTwoReqs | |
CSDKClientRegistryTest | Test harness for TemplateRuntime class |
CAnnotated | |
CFeatureClientBuilderInterface | |
CFeatureClientInterface | |
►Nsettings | |
►Nstorage | |
►Ntest | |
CMockDeviceSettingStorage | |
CDeviceSettingStorageInterface | |
CSQLiteDeviceSettingStorage | |
►Ntest | |
CHelloClass | |
CLocaleWakeWordsSettingTest | |
CMockCallbacks | |
CMockSetting | |
CMockSettingEventSender | |
CMockSettingObserver | |
CMockSettingProtocol | |
CObserverClass | |
CSettingCallbackAdapterTest | |
CSettingCallbacksTest | |
CSettingEventSenderTest | |
CSettingsManagerTest | Test class |
CSettingStub | Settings stub that just set the value immediately |
CSettingTest | |
CSharedAVSSettingProtocolTest | |
CTestObserver | Just an empty observer |
CTimezoneSettingStub | |
►Ntypes | |
CLocaleWakeWordsSetting | |
CNetworkInfo | |
CCloudControlledSettingProtocol | |
CDeviceControlledSettingProtocol | |
CSetting | |
CSettingCallbackAdapter | |
CSettingCallbackAdapterInterface | |
CSettingCallbacks | |
CSettingConfiguration | |
CSettingConnectionObserver | |
CSettingEventMetadata | |
CSettingEventRequestObserver | |
CSettingEventSender | |
CSettingEventSenderInterface | |
CSettingInterface | |
CSettingObserverInterface | |
CSettingProtocolInterface | |
CSettingsManager | |
CSettingsManagerBuilderBase | |
CSettingsManagerBuilderBase< settings::SettingsManager< SettingsT... > > | |
CSharedAVSSettingProtocol | |
►NspeakerManager | Speaker API Capability Agent Interface and Implementation |
►Ntest | Unit Tests and Mocks for Speaker API Capability Agent |
CChannelVolumeManagerTest | Test fixture for ChannelVolumeManager |
CMockMiscStorage | |
CMockSpeakerManagerConfig | Mock object for SpeakerManagerConfigInterface |
CMockSpeakerManagerObserver | Mock object for SpeakerManagerObserverInterface |
CMockSpeakerManagerStorage | Mock object for SpeakerManagerStorageInterface |
CMockSpeakerManagerStorageWithHelpers | Extend MockSpeakerManagerStorage with helpers |
CSpeakerManagerConfigHelperTest | Test fixture for SpeakerManagerConfigHelper |
CSpeakerManagerConfigTest | Test fixture for SpeakerManagerConfig |
CSpeakerManagerMiscStorageTest | Test fixture for SpeakerManagerMiscStorage |
CSpeakerManagerTest | Test fixture for SpeakerManager unit tests |
CSpeakerManagerConfigInterface | Speaker manager configuration interface |
CSpeakerManagerStorageInterface | Speaker manager storage interface |
►CSpeakerManagerStorageState | Storage state for SpeakerManager |
CChannelState | |
►Nstorage | |
►NsqliteStorage | |
►Ntest | |
CSQLiteMiscStorageTest | |
►CSQLiteDatabase | |
CTransaction | |
CSQLiteMiscStorage | |
CSQLiteStatement | |
►NsynchronizeStateSender | |
►Ntest | |
CEventData | |
CPostConnectSynchronizeStateSenderTest | |
CPostConnectSynchronizeStateSender | |
CSynchronizeStateSenderFactory | |
►NtemplateRuntime | |
►Ntest | |
CMockGui | |
CMockMediaPropertiesFetcher | |
CMockRenderInfoCardsPlayer | |
CMockRenderInfoCardsPlayerRegistrar | |
CMockRenderPlayerInfoCardProvider | |
CTemplateRuntimeTest | Test harness for TemplateRuntime class |
CTemplateRuntimeFactory | |
►NtemplateRuntimeInterfaces | |
CTemplateRuntimeInterface | |
►CTemplateRuntimeObserverInterface | |
CAudioPlayerInfo | |
►Ntest | |
CGmockExtensionsTest | Test fixture for testing GMock extensions |
CSomeInterface | Interface with noexcept and const noexcept methods |
CSomeMock | Mock for SomeInterface |
►NvisualCharacteristics | |
CMockPresentationOrchestratorStateObserver | Mocked PresentationOrchestratorStateObserverInterface |
CVCConfigParserTest | Test harness for VisualCharacteristics class |
►CVisualCharacteristicsFactory | |
CVisualCharacteristicsExports | |
CVisualCharacteristicsSerializerFactory | |
CVisualCharacteristicsTest | Test harness for VisualCharacteristics class |
►NvisualCharacteristicsInterfaces | |
CDimension | |
CDisplayCharacteristics | |
CInteractionMode | |
COrchestratorWindowInstance | |
CVisualCharacteristicsConfiguration | |
CVisualCharacteristicsInterface | |
CVisualCharacteristicsSerializerInterface | |
CWindowInstance | |
CWindowSize | |
CWindowTemplate | |
►NvisualTimeoutManager | |
►Ntest | |
CMockTimerFactory | |
CVisualTimeoutManagerTest | |
CWarpTimer | |
►CVisualTimeoutManagerFactory | |
CVisualTimeoutManagerExports | |
►Namazon | |
►Ndavs | |
CCurlProgressCallbackInterface | |
►Nbar | |
CMixedUpTestCaseTest | |
CMixedUpTestCaseWithSameTestNameTest | |
►Ncpp | |
►Nast | |
C_GenericDeclaration | |
C_NestedType | |
C_NullDict | |
CAstBuilder | |
CClass | |
CDefine | |
CDelete | |
CEnum | |
CExpr | |
CFriend | |
CFunction | |
CGoto | |
CInclude | |
CMethod | |
CNode | |
CParameter | |
CReturn | |
CStruct | |
CType | |
CTypeConverter | |
CTypedef | |
CUnion | |
CUsing | |
CVariableDeclaration | |
►Ngmock_class_test | |
CGenerateMethodsTest | |
CGenerateMocksTest | |
CTestCase | |
►Ntokenize | |
CToken | |
►Nfoo | |
CMixedUpTestCaseTest | |
CMixedUpTestCaseWithSameTestNameTest | |
CPointerPrintable | |
CPrintableViaPrintTo | |
CPrintableViaPrintToTemplate | |
CStreamableTemplateInFoo | |
CUnprintableInFoo | |
►Ngmock_leak_test | |
CGMockLeakTest | |
►Ngmock_output_test | |
CGMockOutputTest | |
►Ngtest_break_on_failure_unittest | |
CGTestBreakOnFailureUnitTest | |
►Ngtest_catch_exceptions_test | |
CCatchCxxExceptionsTest | |
CCatchSehExceptionsTest | |
►Ngtest_color_test | |
CGTestColorTest | |
►Ngtest_env_var_test | |
CGTestEnvVarTest | |
►Ngtest_filter_unittest | |
CGTestFilterUnitTest | |
►Ngtest_help_test | |
CGTestHelpTest | |
►Ngtest_list_tests_unittest | |
CGTestListTestsUnitTest | |
►Ngtest_output_test | |
CGTestOutputTest | |
►Ngtest_shuffle_test | |
CGTestShuffleUnitTest | |
►Ngtest_test_utils | |
CSubprocess | |
►Ngtest_throw_on_failure_test | |
CThrowOnFailureTest | |
►Ngtest_uninitialized_test | |
CGTestUninitializedTest | |
►Ngtest_xml_outfiles_test | |
CGTestXMLOutFilesTest | |
►Ngtest_xml_output_unittest | |
CGTestXMLOutputUnitTest | |
►Ngtest_xml_test_utils | |
CGTestXMLTestCase | |
►Nmy_namespace | |
►Ntesting | |
CAssertionResult | |
CMessage | |
CTest | |
►Nnamespace1 | |
CMyTypeInNameSpace1 | |
►Nnamespace2 | |
CMyTypeInNameSpace2 | |
►Npump | |
CCodeNode | |
CCursor | |
CElseNode | |
CEnv | |
CExpNode | |
CForNode | |
CIfNode | |
CLiteralDollarNode | |
COutput | |
CRangeNode | |
CRawCodeNode | |
CToken | |
CVarNode | |
►Nrelease_docs | |
CWikiBrancher | |
►Nstd | |
►Ntr1 | |
►Ngtest_internal | |
CAddRef | |
CAddRef< T & > | |
CByRef | |
CByRef< T & > | |
CGet | |
CGet< 0 > | |
CGet< 1 > | |
CGet< 2 > | |
CGet< 3 > | |
CGet< 4 > | |
CGet< 5 > | |
CGet< 6 > | |
CGet< 7 > | |
CGet< 8 > | |
CGet< 9 > | |
CSameSizeTuplePrefixComparator | |
CSameSizeTuplePrefixComparator< 0, 0 > | |
CSameSizeTuplePrefixComparator< k, k > | |
CTupleElement | |
CTupleElement< true, 0, GTEST_10_TUPLE_(T) > | |
CTupleElement< true, 1, GTEST_10_TUPLE_(T) > | |
CTupleElement< true, 2, GTEST_10_TUPLE_(T) > | |
CTupleElement< true, 3, GTEST_10_TUPLE_(T) > | |
CTupleElement< true, 4, GTEST_10_TUPLE_(T) > | |
CTupleElement< true, 5, GTEST_10_TUPLE_(T) > | |
CTupleElement< true, 6, GTEST_10_TUPLE_(T) > | |
CTupleElement< true, 7, GTEST_10_TUPLE_(T) > | |
CTupleElement< true, 8, GTEST_10_TUPLE_(T) > | |
CTupleElement< true, 9, GTEST_10_TUPLE_(T) > | |
Ctuple | |
Ctuple<> | |
Ctuple_element | |
Ctuple_size | |
Ctuple_size< GTEST_0_TUPLE_(T) > | |
Ctuple_size< GTEST_10_TUPLE_(T) > | |
Ctuple_size< GTEST_1_TUPLE_(T) > | |
Ctuple_size< GTEST_2_TUPLE_(T) > | |
Ctuple_size< GTEST_3_TUPLE_(T) > | |
Ctuple_size< GTEST_4_TUPLE_(T) > | |
Ctuple_size< GTEST_5_TUPLE_(T) > | |
Ctuple_size< GTEST_6_TUPLE_(T) > | |
Ctuple_size< GTEST_7_TUPLE_(T) > | |
Ctuple_size< GTEST_8_TUPLE_(T) > | |
Ctuple_size< GTEST_9_TUPLE_(T) > | |
Chash< alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::avs::CapabilityConfiguration > | |
Chash< alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::avs::CapabilityTag > | |
Chash< alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::avs::ComponentConfiguration > | |
Chash< alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::avs::NamespaceAndName > | |
Chash< alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::avs::PlaybackButton > | |
Chash< alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::avs::PlaybackToggle > | |
Chash< alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::utils::TypeIndex > | |
Chash< std::shared_ptr< alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::avs::CapabilityConfiguration > > | |
Chash< std::shared_ptr< alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::avs::ComponentConfiguration > > | |
►Ntest | |
CAmdMetricWrapperTest | |
CMetricRecorderTest | |
►Ntesting | |
►Ngmock_generated_actions_test | |
CBoolResetter | |
CGiantTemplate | |
CNullaryConstructorClass | |
CNullaryFunctor | |
CSubstractAction | |
CSumOf5Functor | |
CSumOf6Functor | |
CTenArgConstructorClass | |
CUnaryConstructorClass | |
CUnaryFunctor | |
►Ngmock_generated_function_mockers_test | |
CFooInterface | |
CFunctionMockerTest | |
CMockB | |
CMockFoo | |
CMockOverloadedOnArgNumber | |
CMockOverloadedOnConstness | |
CMockStack | |
CStackInterface | |
►Ngmock_matchers_test | |
CAClass | |
CAllArgsHelper | |
CAStruct | |
CBacktrackingBPMTest | |
CBase | |
CBipartiteNonSquareTest | |
CBipartiteRandomTest | |
CBipartiteTest | |
CConstPropagatingPtr | |
CConvertibleFromAny | |
CConvertibleToBool | |
CDerived | |
CDerivedClass | |
CDerivedStruct | |
CDivisibleByImpl | |
CEvenMatcherImpl | |
CFloatingPointNearTest | |
CFloatingPointTest | |
CFunctor | |
CGreaterThanMatcher | |
CIntReferenceWrapper | |
CIntValue | |
CIsGreaterThan | |
CIsHalfOfMatcher | |
CNewEvenMatcherImpl | |
CNotCopyable | |
COtherDerived | |
CPolymorphicFunctor | |
CPolymorphicIsEvenImpl | |
CReferencesBarOrIsZeroImpl | |
CReferencingFunctor | |
CStreamlike | |
CType | |
CUncopyable | |
CUnorderedElementsAreTest | |
CUnprintable | |
►Ngmock_more_actions_test | |
CDeletionTester | |
CFoo | |
CNullaryFunctor | |
CSumOf5Functor | |
CSumOf6Functor | |
CUnaryFunctor | |
CVoidNullaryFunctor | |
►Ngmock_nice_strict_test | |
CFoo | |
CMockBar | |
CMockFoo | |
►Ngtest_printers_test | |
CAllowsGenericStreaming | |
CAllowsGenericStreamingAndImplicitConversionTemplate | |
CAllowsGenericStreamingTemplate | |
CBig | |
Cconst_iterator | |
CFoo | |
Citerator | |
►Ninternal | |
►Ninvoke_argument | |
CAdlTag | |
CActionAdaptor | |
CActionHelper | |
CActionResultHolder | |
CActionResultHolder< void > | |
CAddReference | |
CAddReference< T & > | |
CAllOfResult1 | |
CAllOfResult10 | |
CAllOfResult2 | |
CAllOfResult3 | |
CAllOfResult4 | |
CAllOfResult5 | |
CAllOfResult6 | |
CAllOfResult7 | |
CAllOfResult8 | |
CAllOfResult9 | |
CAnyEq | |
CAnyGe | |
CAnyGt | |
CAnyLe | |
CAnyLt | |
CAnyMatcherImpl | |
CAnyNe | |
CAnyOfResult1 | |
CAnyOfResult10 | |
CAnyOfResult2 | |
CAnyOfResult3 | |
CAnyOfResult4 | |
CAnyOfResult5 | |
CAnyOfResult6 | |
CAnyOfResult7 | |
CAnyOfResult8 | |
CAnyOfResult9 | |
CAnythingMatcher | |
CArgsMatcher | |
CArgsMatcherImpl | |
CAssertHelper | |
CAssignAction | |
CBase | |
►CBeginEndDistanceIsMatcher | |
CImpl | |
Cbool_constant | |
CBooleanConstant | |
CBothOfMatcher | |
CBothOfMatcherImpl | |
CBoundSecondMatcher | |
CBuiltInDefaultValue | |
CBuiltInDefaultValue< const T > | |
CBuiltInDefaultValue< T * > | |
CBuiltInDefaultValueGetter | |
CBuiltInDefaultValueGetter< T, false > | |
CByMoveWrapper | |
CCallableTraits | |
CCallableTraits< ResType(*)(ArgType)> | |
CCastable | |
CCastAndAppendTransform | |
CCodeLocation | |
CComparisonBase | |
CCompileAssert | |
CCompileAssertTypesEqual | |
CCompileAssertTypesEqual< T, T > | |
CConstAndNonConstCastable | |
CConstCastable | |
CConstCharPtr | |
CContainerEqMatcher | |
CContainsMatcher | |
CContainsMatcherImpl | |
CDecayArray | |
CDecayArray< T[]> | |
CDecayArray< T[N]> | |
CDerived | |
CDoBothAction | |
CDoDefaultAction | |
CDummyMatchResultListener | |
CEachMatcher | |
CEachMatcherImpl | |
CEitherOfMatcher | |
CEitherOfMatcherImpl | |
CElementsAreArrayMatcher | |
CElementsAreMatcher | |
CElementsAreMatcherImpl | |
CEnableIf | |
CEnableIf< true > | |
CEndsWithMatcher | |
CEnvironmentInvocationCatcher | |
CEq2Matcher | |
CEqHelper | |
CEqHelper< true > | |
CEqMatcher | |
CEventRecordingListener | |
CExcessiveArg | |
CExpectationBase | |
CExpectationTester | |
CFieldMatcher | |
CFilePath | |
CFinalSuccessChecker | |
►CFloatingEqMatcher | |
CImpl | |
CFloatingPoint | |
CFormatForComparison | |
CFormatForComparison< ToPrint[N], OtherOperand > | |
CFunction | |
CFunction< R()> | |
CFunction< R(A1)> | |
CFunction< R(A1, A2)> | |
CFunction< R(A1, A2, A3)> | |
CFunction< R(A1, A2, A3, A4)> | |
CFunction< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)> | |
CFunction< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6)> | |
CFunction< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)> | |
CFunction< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8)> | |
CFunction< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9)> | |
CFunction< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10)> | |
CFunctionMocker | |
CFunctionMocker< R()> | |
CFunctionMocker< R(A1)> | |
CFunctionMocker< R(A1, A2)> | |
CFunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3)> | |
CFunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4)> | |
CFunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)> | |
CFunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6)> | |
CFunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)> | |
CFunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8)> | |
CFunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9)> | |
CFunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10)> | |
CFunctionMockerBase | |
CGe2Matcher | |
CGeMatcher | |
CGt2Matcher | |
CGTestLog | |
CGTestMutexLock | |
CGtMatcher | |
CHasNewFatalFailureHelper | |
CHasSubstrMatcher | |
CIgnoredValue | |
CIgnoreResultAction | |
CImplicitlyConvertible | |
CInvokeAction | |
CInvokeHelper | |
CInvokeHelper< R, ::testing::tuple< A1 > > | |
CInvokeHelper< R, ::testing::tuple< A1, A2 > > | |
CInvokeHelper< R, ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3 > > | |
CInvokeHelper< R, ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4 > > | |
CInvokeHelper< R, ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 > > | |
CInvokeHelper< R, ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 > > | |
CInvokeHelper< R, ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 > > | |
CInvokeHelper< R, ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 > > | |
CInvokeHelper< R, ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9 > > | |
CInvokeHelper< R, ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10 > > | |
CInvokeHelper< R, ::testing::tuple<> > | |
CInvokeMethodAction | |
CInvokeMethodWithoutArgsAction | |
CInvokeWithoutArgsAction | |
Cis_pointer | |
Cis_pointer< T * > | |
Cis_reference | |
Cis_reference< T & > | |
CIsAProtocolMessage | |
CIsNullMatcher | |
CIteratorTraits | |
CIteratorTraits< const T * > | |
CIteratorTraits< T * > | |
CKeyMatcher | |
CKeyMatcherImpl | |
CKindOf | |
CLe2Matcher | |
CLeMatcher | |
CLessByName | |
CLessComparator | |
Clinked_ptr | |
Clinked_ptr_internal | |
CLinkedPtrLessThan | |
CListenerTest | |
CLosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl | |
CLosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl< kBool, bool, kBool, bool > | |
CLosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl< kBool, bool, kFloatingPoint, To > | |
CLosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl< kBool, bool, kInteger, To > | |
CLosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl< kFloatingPoint, From, kBool, bool > | |
CLosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl< kFloatingPoint, From, kInteger, To > | |
CLosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl< kInteger, From, kBool, bool > | |
CLosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl< kInteger, From, kFloatingPoint, To > | |
CLosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl< kInteger, From, kInteger, To > | |
CLt2Matcher | |
CLtMatcher | |
CMatcherAsPredicate | |
CMatcherBase | |
CMatcherCastImpl | |
CMatcherCastImpl< T, Matcher< T > > | |
CMatcherCastImpl< T, Matcher< U > > | |
CMatcherTuple | |
CMatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1 > > | |
CMatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2 > > | |
CMatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3 > > | |
CMatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4 > > | |
CMatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 > > | |
CMatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 > > | |
CMatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 > > | |
CMatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 > > | |
CMatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9 > > | |
CMatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10 > > | |
CMatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple<> > | |
CMatchesRegexMatcher | |
CMatchMatrix | |
CMockSpec | |
CMutex | |
CNativeArray | |
CNe2Matcher | |
CNeMatcher | |
CNoDefaultContructor | |
CNotMatcher | |
CNotMatcherImpl | |
CNotNullMatcher | |
COnCallSpec | |
CPairMatchBase | |
CPairMatcher | |
CPairMatcherImpl | |
CPointeeMatcher | |
CPointeeOf | |
CPointeeOf< T * > | |
►CPointwiseMatcher | |
CImpl | |
CPredicateFormatterFromMatcher | |
CPropertyMatcher | |
CQuantifierMatcherImpl | |
CRandom | |
CRE | |
CReferenceOrValueWrapper | |
CReferenceOrValueWrapper< T & > | |
CReferenceWrapper | |
CRefMatcher | |
CRefMatcher< T & > | |
CRelationToSourceCopy | |
CRelationToSourceReference | |
Cremove_reference | |
Cremove_reference< T & > | |
CRemoveConst | |
CRemoveConst< const T > | |
CRemoveConst< const T[N]> | |
CRemoveConstFromKey | |
CRemoveConstFromKey< std::pair< const K, V > > | |
CRemoveReference | |
CRemoveReference< T & > | |
CResultOfMatcher | |
CReturnAction | |
CReturnNullAction | |
CReturnRefAction | |
CReturnRefOfCopyAction | |
CReturnVoidAction | |
Cscoped_ptr | |
CScopedTrace | |
CSelectArgs | |
CSelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 > | |
CSelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, k1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 > | |
CSelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, k1, k2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 > | |
CSelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, k1, k2, k3, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 > | |
CSelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, k1, k2, k3, k4, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 > | |
CSelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 > | |
CSelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, -1, -1, -1, -1 > | |
CSelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, -1, -1, -1 > | |
CSelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, -1, -1 > | |
CSelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9, -1 > | |
CSetArgumentPointeeAction | |
CSetArgumentPointeeAction< N, Proto, true > | |
CSetErrnoAndReturnAction | |
CSingleFailureChecker | |
►CSizeIsMatcher | |
CImpl | |
CStartsWithMatcher | |
CStaticAssertTypeEqHelper | |
CStaticAssertTypeEqHelper< T, T > | |
CStlContainerView | |
CStlContainerView< ::testing::tuple< ElementPointer, Size > > | |
CStlContainerView< Element[N]> | |
CStreamMatchResultListener | |
CStrEqualityMatcher | |
CString | |
CTestEventListenersAccessor | |
CTestFactoryBase | |
CTestFactoryImpl | |
CThreadLocal | |
CTo | |
CTransformTupleValuesHelper | |
CTrulyMatcher | |
CTupleFields | |
CTupleFields< Tuple, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 > | |
CTupleFields< Tuple, k0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 > | |
CTupleFields< Tuple, k0, k1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 > | |
CTupleFields< Tuple, k0, k1, k2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 > | |
CTupleFields< Tuple, k0, k1, k2, k3, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 > | |
CTupleFields< Tuple, k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 > | |
CTupleFields< Tuple, k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, -1, -1, -1, -1 > | |
CTupleFields< Tuple, k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, -1, -1, -1 > | |
CTupleFields< Tuple, k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, -1, -1 > | |
CTupleFields< Tuple, k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, -1 > | |
CTuplePolicy | |
CTuplePrefix | |
CTuplePrefix< 0 > | |
Ctype_equals | |
Ctype_equals< T, T > | |
CTypedExpectation | |
CTypeIdHelper | |
CTypeWithSize | |
CTypeWithSize< 4 > | |
CTypeWithSize< 8 > | |
CUnitTestHelper | |
CUnitTestRecordPropertyTestHelper | |
CUniversalPrinter | |
CUniversalPrinter< T & > | |
CUniversalPrinter< T[N]> | |
CUniversalTersePrinter | |
CUniversalTersePrinter< char * > | |
CUniversalTersePrinter< const char * > | |
CUniversalTersePrinter< T & > | |
CUniversalTersePrinter< T[N]> | |
CUniversalTersePrinter< wchar_t * > | |
CUnorderedElementsAreArrayMatcher | |
CUnorderedElementsAreMatcher | |
CUnorderedElementsAreMatcherImpl | |
CUnorderedElementsAreMatcherImplBase | |
CUntypedActionResultHolderBase | |
CUntypedFunctionMockerBase | |
CUntypedOnCallSpecBase | |
CWhenDynamicCastToMatcher | |
CWhenDynamicCastToMatcher< To & > | |
CWhenDynamicCastToMatcherBase | |
►CWhenSortedByMatcher | |
CImpl | |
CWithArgsAction | |
►Ninternal2 | |
CTypeWithoutFormatter | |
CTypeWithoutFormatter< T, kConvertibleToInteger > | |
CTypeWithoutFormatter< T, kProtobuf > | |
CAction | |
CActionInterface | |
CAssertionResult | |
CCardinality | |
CCardinalityInterface | |
CCodeLocationForTESTF | |
CCodeLocationForTESTP | |
CCodeLocationForTYPEDTEST | |
CCodeLocationForTYPEDTESTP | |
CCurrentTestInfoTest | |
CDefaultValue | |
CDefaultValue< T & > | |
CDefaultValue< void > | |
CEmptyTestEventListener | |
CEnvironment | |
CExpectation | |
CExpectationSet | |
CFlags | |
CInitGoogleTestTest | |
CInSequence | |
CMatcher | |
CMatcher< const internal::string &> | |
CMatcher< internal::string > | |
CMatcherDescriberInterface | |
CMatcherInterface | |
CMatchResultListener | |
CMessage | |
CMock | |
CMockFunction | |
CMockFunction< R()> | |
CMockFunction< R(A0)> | |
CMockFunction< R(A0, A1)> | |
CMockFunction< R(A0, A1, A2)> | |
CMockFunction< R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> | |
CMockFunction< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> | |
CMockFunction< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)> | |
CMockFunction< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6)> | |
CMockFunction< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)> | |
CMockFunction< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8)> | |
CMockFunction< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9)> | |
CNaggyMock | |
CNiceMock | |
CPolymorphicAction | |
CPolymorphicMatcher | |
CSafeMatcherCastImpl | |
CScopedFakeTestPartResultReporter | |
CSequence | |
CSetUpTestCaseTest | |
CStrictMock | |
CStringMatchResultListener | |
CTest | |
CTestCase | |
CTestEventListener | |
CTestEventListeners | |
CTestInfo | |
CTestInfoTest | |
CTestPartResult | |
CTestPartResultArray | |
CTestPartResultReporterInterface | |
CTestProperty | |
CTestResult | |
CUnitTest | |
►Nupload | |
CAbstractRpcServer | |
CClientLoginError | |
CGitVCS | |
CHttpRpcServer | Elif e.code >= 500 and e.code < 600: Server Error - try again.
CMercurialVCS | |
CSubversionVCS | |
CVersionControlSystem | |
CArtifactTest | |
CArtifactUnderTest | |
CAssetManagerTest | |
CBarEnvironment | |
CBase | |
CBiggestIntConvertible | |
CBool | |
CCheckArtifactTest | |
CCommonTest | |
CConversionHelperBase | |
CConversionHelperDerived | |
CConvertibleToAssertionResult | |
CCounter | |
CCurlWrapperTest | |
CDavsEndpointHandlerV3Test | |
CDisabledTest | |
CDownloadChunkQueueTest | |
CDownloadStreamTest | |
CDownloadTest | |
CEvictionData | |
CEvictionTest | |
CExpectFailureTest | |
CFailedTest | |
CFailingParamTest | |
CFatalFailureInFixtureConstructorTest | |
CFatalFailureInSetUpTest | |
CFieldHelper | |
CFooEnvironment | |
CFooTest | |
CGMockOutputTest | |
CInitTest | |
CIntegerFunctionTest | |
CInterface | |
CInvokeHelper | |
CJitterUtilTest | |
CMetadataFileState | |
CMock | |
CMockFoo | |
CMyArray | |
CMyChecker | |
CMyCurlContext | |
CMyDownloader | |
CMyString | |
CMyType | |
CNonContainer | |
CNonFatalFailureInFixtureConstructorTest | |
CNonFatalFailureInSetUpTest | |
COnTheFlyPrimeTable | |
CPreCalculatedPrimeTable | |
CPredFormatFunctor1 | |
CPredFormatFunctor2 | |
CPredFormatFunctor3 | |
CPredFormatFunctor4 | |
CPredFormatFunctor5 | |
CPredFunctor1 | |
CPredFunctor2 | |
CPredFunctor3 | |
CPredFunctor4 | |
CPredFunctor5 | |
CPredicate1Test | |
CPredicate2Test | |
CPredicate3Test | |
CPredicate4Test | |
CPredicate5Test | |
CPrimeTable | |
CPrimeTableTest | |
CPrivateCode | |
CPropertyOne | |
CPropertyRecordingTest | |
CPropertyTwo | |
CProtectedFixtureMethodsTest | |
CQueue | |
CQueueNode | |
CQueueTest | |
CQuickTest | |
CSequenceTestingListener | |
CSharedResourceTest | |
CStaticAssertTypeEqTestHelper | |
CStreamableInGlobal | |
CSuccessfulTest | |
CTEST_before_TEST_F_in_same_test_case | |
CTEST_F_before_TEST_in_same_test_case | |
CTestDataEndpoints | |
CTestDataForCheckArtifact | |
CTestingVector | |
CTestListener | |
CTypedTest | |
CTypeParamTest | |
CUnprintableTemplateInGlobal | |
CUpdateTest | |
CUrlData | |
CUrlParserTest | |
CValueParamTest | |
CVeryLoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogName | |
CWidget | |