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Text-To-Speech (TTS) Module


The Text-To-Speech module enables your Alexa Auto SDK client application to synthesize Alexa speech on demand from a text or Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) string. To synthesize speech, this module uses the Text-To-Speech-Provider module. The Auto SDK does not provide any speech-playing APIs. Your application's TTS module integration is responsible for playing the synthesized speech to deliver a unified Alexa experience to the user.

Note: This feature may only be used with voice-guided turn-by-turn navigation.

Important! The Text-To-Speech module requires the Local Voice Control extension.

Configuring the Text-To Speech-Module

The Text-To-Speech module does not require Engine configuration.

Using the Text-To-Speech AASB Messages

Prepare Speech

To request speech synthesis from a text or SSML input, your application must publish the PrepareSpeech message. The Engine publishes either the PrepareSpeechCompleted message or PrepareSpeechFailed message to indicate success or failure, respectively.

Click to expand or collapse sequence diagram: Prepare Speech

Prepare Speech

Note: The prepareSpeechFailed API contains the reason parameter that specifies the error string for failure. Refer to the TTS provider errors for more information on errors defined by the TTS provider.

TThe TTS module defines the REQUEST_TIMED_OUT error that occurs when the TTS provider sends no response, causing the speech request to time out. The timeout value is 1000 milliseconds.

Get Capabilities

To request the capabilities of the TTS provider being used, your application must publish the GetCapabilities message. The Engine publishes the GetCapabilitiesReply message reply with the capabilities of the TTS provider.

Click to expand or collapse sequence diagram: Get Capabilities

Get Capabilities

Integrating the Text-To-Speech Module Into Your Application

C++ MessageBroker Integration

Use the MessageBroker to subscribe to and publish TextToSpeech AASB messages.

Click to expand or collapse C++ sample code

#include <AACE/Core/MessageBroker.h>

#include <AASB/Message/TextToSpeech/TextToSpeech/GetCapabilitiesMessage.h>
#include <AASB/Message/TextToSpeech/TextToSpeech/PrepareSpeechCompletedMessage.h>
#include <AASB/Message/TextToSpeech/TextToSpeech/PrepareSpeechFailedMessage.h>
#include <AASB/Message/TextToSpeech/TextToSpeech/PrepareSpeechMessage.h>

#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
using json = nlohmann::json;

class MyTextToSpeechHandler {

    // Subscribe to messages from the Engine
    void MyTextToSpeechHandler::subscribeToAASBMessages() {
            [=](const std::string& message) { handlePrepareSpeechCompletedMessage(message); },
            [=](const std::string& message) { handlePrepareSpeechFailedMessage(message); },
            [=](const std::string& message) { handleGetCapabilitiesReplyMessage(message); },

    // Handle the PrepareSpeechCompleted message from the Engine
    void MyTextToSpeechHandler::handlePrepareSpeechCompletedMessage(const std::string& message) {
        PrepareSpeechCompletedMessage msg = json::parse(message);
        std::string speechId = msg.payload.speechId;
        std::string streamId = msg.payload.streamId;
        std::string metadata = msg.payload.metadata;

        prepareSpeechCompleted(speechId, streamId, metadata);

    // Handle the PrepareSpeechFailed message from the Engine
    void MyTextToSpeechHandler::handlePrepareSpeechFailedMessage(const std::string& message) {
        PrepareSpeechFailedMessage msg = json::parse(message);
        std::string speechId = msg.payload.speechId;
        std::string reason = msg.payload.reason;

        prepareSpeechFailed(speechId, reason);

    // Handle the GetCapabilities reply message from the Engine
    void MyTextToSpeechHandler::handleGetCapabilitiesReplyMessage(const std::string& message) {
        GetCapabilitiesMessageReply msg = json::parse(message);
        std::string messageId = msg.header.messageDescription.replyToId;
        std::string capabilities = msg.payload.capabilities;

        // ...Handle capabilities of the TTS provider...

    // To prepare speech, publish the PrepareSpeech message to the Engine
    void MyTextToSpeechHandler::prepareSpeech(
        const std::string& speechId,
        const std::string& text,
        const std::string& provider,
        const std::string& options) {
        PrepareSpeechMessage msg;
        msg.payload.speechId = speechId;
        msg.payload.text = text;
        msg.payload.provider = provider;
        msg.payload.options = options;

    // To get capabilities, publish the GetCapabilities message to the Engine
    std::string MyTextToSpeechHandler::getCapabilities(
        const std::string& requestId,
        const std::string& provider) {
        GetCapabilitiesMessage msg; = requestId;
        msg.payload.provider = provider;

        // The Engine will send the GetCapabilitiesReply message
        // Return the capabilities from reply message payload

    void MyTextToSpeechHandler::prepareSpeechCompleted(
        const std::string& speechId,
        const std::string& streamId,
        const std::string& metadata) {
        // Use MessageBroker openStream API to get the MessageStream
        std::shared_ptr<MessageStream> preparedAudio =
                            m_messageBroker->openStream(msg.payload.streamId, MessageStream::Mode::READ);

        // Follow the UX guidelines in order to play the audio stream

    // Notification of a failed speech synthesis
    void TextToSpeechHandler::prepareSpeechFailed(
        const std::string& speechId,
        const std::string& reason) {
        // Use the speechId to correlate the synthesis request to the result
        // Access the reason for failure
