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DeviceUsage Interface

Periodically publish the DeviceUsage.ReportNetworkDataUsage message (for example, at five minute intervals) to report network data usage to the Engine. If your application uses the Device Client Metrics (DCM) extension, the Engine records metrics with this information.

The usage field in the payload is a JSON object as a string. The format of the JSON is the following:

  "startTimeStamp" : {{LONG}},
  "endTimeStamp" : {{LONG}},
  "networkInterfaceType": "{{STRING}}",
  "dataPlanType" : "{{STRING}}",
  "bytesUsage" :{
      "rxBytes" : {{LONG}},
      "txBytes" : {{LONG}}

The following table describes the properties in the JSON:

Property Type Required Description Example
startTimeStamp Long Yes The starting timestamp in milliseconds for this network usage datapoint
endTimeStamp Long Yes The ending timestamp in milliseconds for this network usage datapoint
networkInterfaceType String Yes The name of the network interface over which the data is recorded "WIFI",
dataPlanType String No The type of data plan the device is subscribed to. This is an optional field and should be provided if your application uses the AlexaConnectivity module. See AlexaConnectivity
Long Yes The number of bytes received over the network interface during the time range represented by this datapoint
Long Yes The number of bytes transmitted over the network interface during the time range represented by this datapoint