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LocalMediaSource Interface


The LocalMediaSource interface allows the platform to register a local media source by type (BLUETOOTH, USB, AM_RADIO, FM_RADIO, SATELLITE_RADIO, LINE_IN, COMPACT_DISC, SIRIUS_XM, DAB, and DEFAULT). Registering a local media source allows playback control of that source via Alexa (e.g. "Alexa, play the CD player"). It also enables playback initiation via Alexa by frequency, channel, or preset for relevant source types (e.g. "Alexa, play 98.7 FM").

DEFAULT media source is a generic media source that can be used for controlling any local media source on the OEM infotainment system. It is recommended to use DEFAULT media source for all local media except Alexa music, MACC-supported deep linked media players, and other registered Local Media Sources. DEFAULT media player can not be launched by name like "Alexa, Play CD player" but it can be used to control playback actions reported in the supportedOperations. For example, "Alexa, play" resumes the default player playback as long a the DEFAULT source is in focus.

The following is an example of registering a CD player local media source using type Source.COMPACT_DISC:

// Include necessary message header files:
#include <AASB/Message/Alexa/LocalMediaSource/PlayMessage.h>
using namespace aasb::message::alexa::localMediaSource;

#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
using json = nlohmann::json;


    // Subscribe to corresponding messages with handlers:
        [=](const std::string& message) {
            PlayMessage msg = json::parse(message);
            if (msg.payload.source == Source::COMPACT_DISC) {
                // Handle CD playback
        }, PlayMessage::topic(), PlayMessage::action());

Starting Playback with Content Selection by Voice

The Play message is sent when Alexa invokes play by ContentSelector type (FREQUENCY, CHANNEL, PRESET) for a radio local media source (AM_RADIO, FM_RADIO, SIRIUS_XM, DAB). The payload is a string that depends on the ContentSelector type and local media Source type (e.g., "1", "98.7 FM HD 1").

bool play( ContentSelector type, std::string payload, const std::string& sessionId ) override {
    // play initiation for frequency, channel, or presets

    // Subscribe to corresponding messages with handlers:
        [=](const std::string& message) {
            PlayMessage msg = json::parse(message);
            if (msg.payload.source == Source::FM_RADIO) {
                // Handle FM radio playback specified by:
                // - msg.payload.contentSelectorType
                // - msg.payload.payload:
                // - msg.payload.sessionId
        }, PlayMessage::topic(), PlayMessage::action());

The table below provides details about the supported ContentSelector types based on Source type:

Source Supported ContentSelector payload examples
"98.7 HD 1"
DAB CHANNEL “BBC Radio Extra 4”

The supported ranges and increments for valid frequency, preset, and channel may vary depending on the region you are in. Contact your partner manager for more detailed information.

Note: The DAB channel payload is the radio station name string. If supported, then the name string must be handled by the client's DAB implementation.

The Play message will not be sent if a source cannot handle the specified ContentSelector type.

The DEFAULT Local Media Source handles "Alexa, play preset \\" utterances without requiring that users explicitly say which local media source (AM_RADIO, FM_RADIO, SIRIUS_XM) actually corresponds to the preset. The meaning of the preset in the msg.payload.payload field is determined by the DEFAULT platform implementation and should suit the needs of the vehicle's infotainment system, i.e. when the Play message is received, your implementation should map the preset to a preset that makes sense for the current context.

Controlling Playback by Voice

The PlayControl message is sent with a PlayControlType(RESUME, PAUSE, STOP, NEXT, PREVIOUS, START_OVER, FAST_FORWARD, REWIND, ENABLE_REPEAT_ONE, ENABLE_REPEAT, DISABLE_REPEAT, ENABLE_SHUFFLE, DISABLE_SHUFFLE, FAVORITE, UNFAVORITE) when Alexa invokes a playback control on the local media source.

    PlayControlMessage msg = json::parse(message);
    if (msg.payload.source == m_source) {
        switch (msg.payload.controlType) {
        case PlayControlType::RESUME:
        case PlayControlType::PAUSE:
        case PlayControlType::STOP:

Note: The Play message is used to initiate playback with specified content selection, whereas PlayControl message with PlayControlType::RESUME is used to play or resume the source when content is not specified or not supported. E.g. FM receives Play message when the user requests FM with a specific frequency ("Alexa, play 98.7 FM radio"), and USB receives PlayControl message with PlayControlType::RESUME when the user requests playback with just the source name ("Alexa, play USB").

The Seek message and AdjustSeek message are sent to seek the currently focused LocalMediaSource. These messages are only used by sources that are capable of seeking. Seek message is for specifying an absolute offset, whereas AdjustSeek message is for specifying a relative offset.

The VolumeChanged message and MutedStateChanged message are sent to change the volume and mute state of the currently focused local media player. VolumeChanged message specifies the new volume. MutedStateChanged message specifies the new MutedState.

Reporting Playback Events

The LocalMediaSource interface provides PlayerEvent message and PlayerError message for your implementation to report events regarding the state of the playback session managed by your local source. Even though your local source manages its own playback, including reacting to on-device transport control button presses from the user and reacting appropriately to other non-Alexa audio events on the system, sending PlayerEvent message and PlayerError message provides important information to the Engine:

  1. The Engine may use these messages to synchronize the state of your local source's playback session with Alexa.

  2. The Engine may react to these calls according to the event name specified to update its internal view of your local source's state. Particular event names indicate if the source is focused on the system (meaning it has an active playback session) or if it is un-focused (meaning it is not in use and is brought into use only by further on-device interaction by the user or a user voice request to Alexa). The Engine uses this information to sync its internal focus management.

PlayerEvent name Description
"PlaybackSessionStarted" The local media source is switched from the inactive to active media state or a new playback session has started, either from a GUI interaction or as a result of a user voice request to Alexa. The Engine considers the player active and in focus (although it may or may not yet be playing).
"PlaybackSessionEnded" The local media source is switched from the active to inactive media state or an active playback session has ended. The player should no longer be playing or playable until a new session is started by GUI interaction or user voice request to Alexa. The Engine considers the player inactive and no longer in focus.
"PlaybackStarted" During an active session, the local source has started to play or resumed from a paused state.
"PlaybackStopped" During an active session, the player stopped, either as a result of a GUI interaction or a user voice request to Alexa.
PlayerError name Description
"INTERNAL_ERROR" During an active session, an internal error caused playback to stop.

Both PlayerEvent message and PlayerError message are expected to provide the appropriate sessionId.

Send PlayerEventMessage{"PlaybackSessionStarted", sessionId} to tell the Engine that the user brought the LocalMediaSource to the foreground with a GUI interaction. The Engine considers the source to have an active playback session, although it may or may not be playing yet. If no other Alexa media source is playing, utterances such as “Alexa, play” target this source. You must also send PlayerEventMessage{"PlaybackSessionStarted", sessionId} when the source is brought into the foreground after receiving Player message or PlayerControl message as a result of a user voice request. Once the source starts playing, send PlayerEvent{"PlaybackStarted", sessionId}.

Send PlayerEventMessage{"PlaybackSessionEnded", sessionId} to tell the Engine that the LocalMediaSource is no longer in the foreground, typically as a result of a GUI interaction from the user after the player is stopped. The Engine considers the source inactive or not in focus, and starting a new playback session for the source requires a further GUI interaction or user voice request to Alexa that targets the source by name.

    void setAlexaFocusForFMRadio(bool isFocused) {
        if (isFocused) {
            // FM Radio begins playback independently of Alexa
            playerEvent("PlaybackSessionStarted", m_sessionId);
        } else {
            // Notify Alexa that FM Radio is no longer the active media source on the device as a result of platform driven change
            playerEvent("PlaybackSessionEnded", m_sessionId);

    void playerEvent(const std::string& eventName, const std::string& sessionId) {
        PlayerEventMessage msg;
        msg.payload.source = m_source;
        msg.payload.eventName = eventName;
        msg.payload.sessionId = sessionId;

Note: Only one LocalMediaSource type can have Alexa focus at a time.

Note: SetFocus message is deprecated for the LocalMediaSource interface. Use PlayerEvent message with "PlaybackSessionStarted" or "PlaybackSessionEnded" instead.

Please abide by following rules related to sessionId in your LocalMediaSource integration:

  • sessionId is a universally unique identifier (UUID) generated according to the RFC 4122 specification.

  • If a media source starts because of a call to PlayMessage{contentSelector, payload, sessionId} from the Engine, note the sessionId field and use it in any PlayerEvent message calls until the session is inactive.

  • If a media source starts for any other reason (e.g. a call to PlayControlMessage{RESUME} from the Engine, or user GUI interaction on the head unit), create a new sessionId and use it in any PlayerEvent message calls until the session is inactive.

  • A sessionId is always associated with one media source playback session, so USB's sessionId should be different than COMPACT_DISC's sessionId.

  • An individual LocalMediaSource should maintain the sessionId for the whole cycle from playback session start to playback session end.

  • For any "opening" PlayerEvent message call for a particular sessionId (e.g. "PlaybackSessionStarted", "PlaybackStarted"), you must report a corresponding closing call (e.g. "PlaybackStopped", "PlaybackSessionEnded") at the appropriate time (i.e., when the source is stopped, switched, etc.)

Reporting Playback State

The Engine sends GetState message to synchronize the local player's state with the cloud. This method is used to maintain correct state during startup and with every Alexa request. All relevant information should be added to the LocalMediaSourceState in the reply message.

Many fields of the LocalMediaSourceState are not required for local media source players. You should omit these as noted below.

The following table describes the fields comprising a LocalMediaSourceState, which includes two sub-components: PlaybackState and SessionState.

State Type Required Notes
state String Yes "IDLE"/"STOPPED"/"PLAYING"
supportedOperations SupportedPlaybackOperation[] Yes see SupportedPlaybackOperation
trackOffset long No optional
shuffleEnabled boolean No optional
repeatEnabled boolean No optional
favorites Favorites No see Favorites
type String Yes must be set to "ExternalMediaPlayerMusicItem"
playbackSource String No If available else use local player name
playbackSourceId String No optional
trackName String No If available else use local player name
trackId String No empty
trackNumber String No optional
artistName String No optional
artistId String No empty
albumName String No optional
albumId String No empty
tinyURL String No optional
smallURL String No optional
mediumURL String No optional
largeURL String No optional
coverId String No empty
mediaProvider String No optional
mediaType MediaType No see MediaType
duration long No optional
endpointId String No empty
loggedIn boolean No empty
userName String No empty
isGuest boolean No empty
launched boolean Yes true if the source is enabled, false otherwise
active boolean No empty
accessToken String No empty
tokenRefreshInterval long No empty
supportedContentSelectors ContentSelector[] No see ContentSelector
spiVersion String Yes must be "1.0"

supportedOperations should list the operations that the local media source supports. Below is a list of all SupportedPlaybackOperation:


Note: Currently PLAY/PAUSE/STOP are always supported for a source. Passing null allows ALL supported operations for the source.

supportedContentSelectors should list the content selection types the local source can support. Below is a table of valid pairs.

Source Supportable ContentSelector Values

launched specifies whether the source is enabled. The player is disabled for use with Alexa when this value is false, such as when a removable source like USB is disconnected.

Example Sequence Diagrams

The following diagrams show examples of Local Media Source usage:

1. Starting FM by voice Starting FM Voice

2. Switching from FM to DEFAULT media source with GUI Switching Default w/ GUI

3. Switching between different DEFAULT sources Default to Default Switching