A cross-platform, modular SDK for interacting with the Alexa Voice Service
Typedefs | |
using | AlexaAssetId = std::string |
This represents the Alexa asset identifier. More... | |
using | AlexaUnitOfMeasure = std::string |
This represents the Alexa unit of measure. More... | |
Variables | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_DEVICENAME_SHOWER = "Alexa.DeviceName.Shower" |
Asset identifier for device with friendly name "Shower". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_DEVICENAME_WASHER = "Alexa.DeviceName.Washer" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Washer". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_DEVICENAME_ROUTER = "Alexa.DeviceName.Router" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Router". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_DEVICENAME_FAN = "Alexa.DeviceName.Fan" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Fan". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_DEVICENAME_AIRPURIFIER = "Alexa.DeviceName.AirPurifier" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Air Purifier". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_DEVICENAME_SPACEHEATER = "Alexa.DeviceName.SpaceHeater" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Space Heater". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_SHOWER_RAINHEAD = "Alexa.Shower.RainHead" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Rain Head". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_SHOWER_HANDHELD = "Alexa.Shower.HandHeld" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Handheld Shower". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_SETTING_WATERTEMPERATURE = "Alexa.Setting.WaterTemperature" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Water Temperature". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_SETTING_TEMPERATURE = "Alexa.Setting.Temperature" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Temperature". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_SETTING_WASHCYCLE = "Alexa.Setting.WashCycle" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Wash Cycle". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_SETTING_2GGUESTWIFI = "Alexa.Setting.2GGuestWiFi" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "2.4G Guest Wi-Fi". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_SETTING_5GGUESTWIFI = "Alexa.Setting.5GGuestWiFi" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "5G Guest Wi-Fi". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_SETTING_GUESTWIFI = "Alexa.Setting.GuestWiFi" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Guest Wi-fi". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_SETTING_AUTO = "Alexa.Setting.Auto" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Auto" or "Automatic". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_SETTING_NIGHT = "Alexa.Setting.Night" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Night". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_SETTING_QUIET = "Alexa.Setting.Quiet" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Quiet". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_SETTING_OSCILLATE = "Alexa.Setting.Oscillate" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Oscillate". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_SETTING_FANSPEED = "Alexa.Setting.FanSpeed" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Fan Speed". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_SETTING_PRESET = "Alexa.Setting.Preset" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Preset". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_SETTING_MODE = "Alexa.Setting.Mode" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Mode". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_SETTING_DIRECTION = "Alexa.Setting.Direction" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Direction". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_VALUE_DELICATE = "Alexa.Value.Delicate" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Delicates". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_VALUE_QUICKWASH = "Alexa.Value.QuickWash" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Quick Wash". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_VALUE_MAXIMUM = "Alexa.Value.Maximum" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Maximum". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_VALUE_MINIMUM = "Alexa.Value.Minimum" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Minimum". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_VALUE_HIGH = "Alexa.Value.High" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "High". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_VALUE_LOW = "Alexa.Value.Low" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Low". More... | |
static const AlexaAssetId | ASSET_ALEXA_VALUE_MEDIUM = "Alexa.Value.Medium" |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Medium". More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_ANGLE_DEGREES = "Alexa.Unit.Angle.Degrees" |
The Alexa unit of measure as angle degrees. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_ANGLE_RADIANS = "Alexa.Unit.Angle.Radians" |
The Alexa unit of measure as angle radians. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_DISTANCE_FEET = "Alexa.Unit.Distance.Feet" |
The Alexa unit of measure as feet. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_DISTANCE_INCHES = "Alexa.Unit.Distance.Inches" |
The Alexa unit of measure as inches. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_DISTANCE_KILOMETERS = "Alexa.Unit.Distance.Kilometers" |
The Alexa unit of measure as kilometeres. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_DISTANCE_METERS = "Alexa.Unit.Distance.Meters" |
The Alexa unit of measure as meters. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_DISTANCE_MILES = "Alexa.Unit.Distance.Miles" |
The Alexa unit of measure as miles. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_DISTANCE_YARDS = "Alexa.Unit.Distance.Yards" |
The Alexa unit of measure as yards. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_MASS_GRAMS = "Alexa.Unit.Mass.Grams" |
The Alexa unit of measure as grams. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_MASS_KILOGRAMS = "Alexa.Unit.Mass.Kilograms" |
The Alexa unit of measure as kilograms. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_PERCENT = "Alexa.Unit.Percent" |
The Alexa unit of measure as percentage. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_TEMPERATURE_CELSIUS = "Alexa.Unit.Temperature.Celsius" |
The Alexa unit of measure as temperature in celsius. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_TEMPERATURE_FAHRENHEIT = "Alexa.Unit.Temperature.Fahrenheit" |
The Alexa unit of measure as temperature in fahrenheit. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN = "Alexa.Unit.Temperature.Kelvin" |
The Alexa unit of measure as temperature in kelvin. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_VOLUME_CUBICFEET = "Alexa.Unit.Volume.CubicFeet" |
The Alexa unit of measure as cubic feet. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_VOLUME_CUBICMETERS = "Alexa.Unit.Volume.CubicMeters" |
The Alexa unit of measure as cubic meters. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_VOLUME_GALLONS = "Alexa.Unit.Volume.Gallons" |
The Alexa unit of measure as gallons. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_VOLUME_LITERS = "Alexa.Unit.Volume.Liters" |
The Alexa unit of measure as liters. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_VOLUME_PINTS = "Alexa.Unit.Volume.Pints" |
The Alexa unit of measure as pints. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_VOLUME_QUARTS = "Alexa.Unit.Volume.Quarts" |
The Alexa unit of measure as quarts. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_WEIGHT_OUNCES = "Alexa.Unit.Weight.Ounces" |
The Alexa unit of measure as ounces. More... | |
static const AlexaUnitOfMeasure | ALEXA_UNIT_WEIGHT_POUNDS = "Alexa.Unit.Weight.Pounds" |
The Alexa unit of measure as pounds. More... | |
using alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::avs::resources::AlexaAssetId = typedef std::string |
This represents the Alexa asset identifier.
using alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::avs::resources::AlexaUnitOfMeasure = typedef std::string |
This represents the Alexa unit of measure.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as angle degrees.
String constants for the unit of measure.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as angle radians.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as feet.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as inches.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as kilometeres.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as meters.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as miles.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as yards.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as grams.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as kilograms.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as percentage.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as temperature in celsius.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as temperature in fahrenheit.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as temperature in kelvin.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as cubic feet.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as cubic meters.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as gallons.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as liters.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as pints.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as quarts.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as ounces.
static |
The Alexa unit of measure as pounds.
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Air Purifier".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Fan".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Router".
static |
Asset identifier for device with friendly name "Shower".
String constants for the asset identifier.
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Space Heater".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Washer".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "2.4G Guest Wi-Fi".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "5G Guest Wi-Fi".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Auto" or "Automatic".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Direction".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Fan Speed".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Guest Wi-fi".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Mode".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Night".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Oscillate".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Preset".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Quiet".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Temperature".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Wash Cycle".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Water Temperature".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Handheld Shower".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Rain Head".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Delicates".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "High".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Low".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Maximum".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Medium".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Minimum".
static |
Asset identifier for the supported Alexa friendly names synonymous with "Quick Wash".
AlexaClientSDK 3.0.0 - Copyright 2016-2022, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0