static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::certifiedSender::test::TEST_DATABASE_FILE_PATH = "messageStorageTestDatabase.db" |
| The filename we will use for the test database file. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::certifiedSender::test::PATH_DELIMITER = "/" |
| The path delimiter used by the OS to identify file locations. More...
static std::string | alexaClientSDK::certifiedSender::test::g_dbTestFilePath |
| The full filepath to the database file we will create and delete during tests. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::certifiedSender::test::TEST_MESSAGE_ONE = "test_message_one" |
| A test message text. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::certifiedSender::test::TEST_MESSAGE_TWO = "test_message_two" |
| A test message text. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::certifiedSender::test::TEST_MESSAGE_THREE = "test_message_three" |
| A test message text. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::certifiedSender::test::TEST_MESSAGE_URI = "/v20160207/events/SpeechRecognizer/Recognize" |
| A test message uri. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::certifiedSender::test::MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME = "messages_with_uri" |
| The name of the alerts table. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::certifiedSender::test::DATABASE_COLUMN_ID_NAME = "id" |
| The name of the 'id' field we will use as the primary key in our tables. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::certifiedSender::test::DATABASE_COLUMN_MESSAGE_TEXT_NAME = "message_text" |
| The name of the 'message_text' field we will use as the primary key in our tables. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::certifiedSender::test::DATABASE_COLUMN_URI = "uri" |
| The name of the 'uriPathExtension' field corresponding to the uri path extension of the message. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::certifiedSender::test::DATABASE_COLUMN_TIMESTAMP = "timestamp" |
| The name of the 'timestamp' field is the creation time of the message. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::certifiedSender::test::CREATE_LEGACY_MESSAGES_TABLE_SQL_STRING |
| The SQL string to create the alerts table. More...