static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TAG {"BluetoothTest"} |
| String to identify log entries originating from this file. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_MAC = "01:23:45:67:89:ab" |
| Test Bluetooth device mac address 1. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_BLUETOOTH_FRIENDLY_NAME = "test_friendly_name_1" |
| Test Bluetooth device friendly name 1. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_BLUETOOTH_UUID = "650f973b-c2ab-4c6e-bff4-3788cd521340" |
| Test Bluetooth device uuid 1. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_MAC_2 = "11:23:45:67:89:ab" |
| Test Bluetooth device mac address 2. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_BLUETOOTH_FRIENDLY_NAME_2 = "test_friendly_name_2" |
| Test Bluetooth device friendly name 2. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_BLUETOOTH_UUID_2 = "650f973b-c2ab-4c6e-bff4-3788cd521341" |
| Test Bluetooth device uuid 2. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_MAC_3 = "21:23:45:67:89:ab" |
| Test Bluetooth device mac address 3. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_BLUETOOTH_FRIENDLY_NAME_3 = "test_friendly_name_3" |
| Test Bluetooth device friendly name 3. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_BLUETOOTH_UUID_3 = "650f973b-c2ab-4c6e-bff4-3788cd521342" |
| Test Bluetooth device uuid 3. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_DATABASE = "BluetoothCATest.db" |
| Test Database file name. Can be changed if there are conflicts. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::BLUETOOTH_JSON |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::FILE_EXISTS_ERROR = "Database File " + TEST_DATABASE + " already exists." |
| Error message for when the file already exists. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::NAMESPACE_BLUETOOTH = "Bluetooth" |
| Namespace of Bluetooth. More...
static const NamespaceAndName | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::BLUETOOTH_STATE {NAMESPACE_BLUETOOTH, "BluetoothState"} |
| THe Bluetooth state portion of the Context. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::MESSAGE_EVENT_KEY = "event" |
| JSON key for the event section of a message. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::MESSAGE_HEADER_KEY = "header" |
| JSON key for the header section of a message. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::MESSAGE_NAME_KEY = "name" |
| JSON key for the name section of a message. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::PAYLOAD_KEY = "payload" |
| JSON key for the payload section of a message. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::REQUESTER_KEY = "requester" |
| JSON key for the requester section of a message. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::CLOUD_REQUESTER_VALUE = "CLOUD" |
| JSON value for the cloud requester. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::DEVICE_REQUESTER_VALUE = "DEVICE" |
| JSON value for the device requester. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::CONNECT_BY_DEVICE_IDS_DIRECTIVE = "ConnectByDeviceIds" |
| ConnectByDevice directive. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::CONNECT_BY_PROFILE_DIRECTIVE = "ConnectByProfile" |
| ConnectByProfile directive. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::PAIR_DEVICES_DIRECTIVE = "PairDevices" |
| PairDevice directive. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::UNPAIR_DEVICES_DIRECTIVE = "UnpairDevices" |
| UnpairDevice directive. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::DISCONNECT_DEVICES_DIRECTIVE = "DisconnectDevices" |
| DisconnectDevice directive. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::SET_DEVICE_CATEGORIES = "SetDeviceCategories" |
| SetDeviceCategories directive. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_MESSAGE_ID = "MessageId_Test" |
| Test message id. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_MESSAGE_ID_2 = "MessageId_Test_2" |
| Test message id. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_CONNECT_BY_DEVICE_IDS_PAYLOAD |
| ConnectByDeviceIds payload. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::CONNECT_BY_DEVICE_IDS_SUCCEEDED = "ConnectByDeviceIdsSucceeded" |
| The ConnectByDeviceIdSucceeded event name. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::CONNECT_BY_PROFILE_SUCCEEDED = "ConnectByProfileSucceeded" |
| The ConnectByProfileSucceeded event name. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::CONNECT_BY_PROFILE_FAILED = "ConnectByProfileFailed" |
| The ConnectByProfileFailed event name. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::PAIR_DEVICES_SUCCEEDED = "PairDevicesSucceeded" |
| The PairDeviceSucceeded event name. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::UNPAIR_DEVICES_SUCCEEDED = "UnpairDevicesSucceeded" |
| The UnpairDeviceSucceeded event name. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::SET_DEVICE_CATEGORIES_SUCCEEDED = "SetDeviceCategoriesSucceeded" |
| The SetDeviceCategoriesSucceeded event name. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::DISCONNECT_DEVICES_SUCCEEDED = "DisconnectDevicesSucceeded" |
| The DisconnectDeviceSucceeded event name. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::SCAN_DEVICES_REPORT = "ScanDevicesReport" |
| The ScanDevicesUpdated event name. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::STREAMING_STARTED = "StreamingStarted" |
| The StreamingStarted event name. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::STREAMING_ENDED = "StreamingEnded" |
| The StreamingEnded event name. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_UNMATCHED_PROFILE_NAME = "HFP" |
| Test unmatched profile name. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_MATCHED_PROFILE_NAME = "AVRCP" |
| Test matched profile name. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_PROFILE_VERSION = "1" |
| Test profile version. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_CONNECT_BY_PROFILE_PAYLOAD_1 |
| ConnectByDeviceProfile payload 1. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_CONNECT_BY_PROFILE_PAYLOAD_2 |
| ConnectByDeviceProfile payload 2. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_PAIR_DEVICES_PAYLOAD |
| PairDevices payload. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_UNPAIR_DEVICES_PAYLOAD |
| UnpairDevices payload. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_DISCONNECT_DEVICES_PAYLOAD |
| DisconnectDevices payload. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::TEST_SET_DEVICE_CATEGORIES_PAYLOAD |
| SetDeviceCategories payload. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkBluetooth::test::MOCK_CONTEXT |
| Mock Context. More...