![]() |
A cross-platform, modular SDK for interacting with the Alexa Voice Service
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <functional>
#include <acsdkAuthorization/LWA/LWAAuthorizationAdapter.h>
#include <acsdkAuthorizationInterfaces/LWA/CBLAuthorizationObserverInterface.h>
#include <acsdkAuthorizationInterfaces/LWA/LWAAuthorizationStorageInterface.h>
#include <acsdkAuthorization/LWA/LWAAuthorizationConfiguration.h>
#include <AVSCommon/Utils/Configuration/ConfigurationNode.h>
#include <AVSCommon/Utils/DeviceInfo.h>
#include <AVSCommon/Utils/HTTP/HttpResponseCode.h>
#include <AVSCommon/Utils/LibcurlUtils/HTTPResponse.h>
#include <AVSCommon/Utils/LibcurlUtils/MockHttpGet.h>
#include <AVSCommon/Utils/LibcurlUtils/MockHttpPost.h>
#include <AVSCommon/Utils/WaitEvent.h>
#include <AVSCommon/Utils/Optional.h>
#include <acsdkAuthorization/LWA/test/StubStorage.h>
Namespaces | |
alexaClientSDK | |
Whether or not curl logs should be emitted. | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test | |
Functions | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::TEST_F (LWAAuthorizationAdapterTest, test_create_NullParams_Nullptr) | |
Test create with null ptr. More... | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::TEST_F (LWAAuthorizationAdapterTest, test_id_DefaultValue) | |
Check the default value for the adapter id both directly and via getAuthorizationInterface. More... | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::TEST_F (LWAAuthorizationAdapterTest, test_getAuthTokenNoAuth_Fails) | |
Check that no token is returned when not authorized. More... | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::TEST_F (LWAAuthorizationAdapterTest, test_id_CustomValue) | |
Check the custom value for the adapter id both directly and via getAuthorizationInterface. More... | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::TEST_F (LWAAuthorizationAdapterTest, test_authorize_NoAuthMgr_Fails) | |
Check that authorizing without an AuthManager fails. More... | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::TEST_F (LWAAuthorizationAdapterTest, test_multipleCBLAuthorization_Fails) | |
Check that multiple authorization requests fail. Only one reportStateChange call for each state is expected. More... | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::TEST_F (LWAAuthorizationAdapterTest, test_cblCodePairRetry_Succeeds) | |
Check that the retry logic for CBL code pair requests is successful. More... | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::TEST_F (LWAAuthorizationAdapterTest, test_cblTokenExchangeRetry_Succeeds) | |
Check that the retry logic for CBL token exchange requests is successful. More... | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::TEST_F (LWAAuthorizationAdapterTest, test_authFailure_TriggersRetry) | |
Check that on auth failure, a retry is triggered. More... | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::TEST_F (LWAAuthorizationAdapterTest, test_getState_Succeeds) | |
Check that getState returns the correct state. More... | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::TEST_F (LWAAuthorizationAdapterTest, test_reset_Succeeds) | |
Check that reset operations are successful. More... | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::TEST_F (LWAAuthorizationAdapterTest, test_refreshing_succeeds) | |
Check that the LWA token refreshing logic is successful. More... | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::TEST_F (LWAAuthorizationAdapterTest, test_reset_CodePair) | |
Test resetting while waiting for code pair requests. More... | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::TEST_F (LWAAuthorizationAdapterTest, test_reset_TokenExchange) | |
Test resetting while waiting for token exchange requests. More... | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P (Parameterized, LWAAuthorizationAdapterTest, ::testing::Values(AUTHORIZE_USING_CBL, AUTHORIZE_USING_CBL_WITH_CUSTOMER_PROFILE)) | |
Parameterized Tests Exercising both authorizeUsingCBL and authorizeUsingCBLWithCustomerProfile. More... | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::TEST_P (LWAAuthorizationAdapterTest, test_cblAuthorize_Succeeds) | |
Test that the happy case succeeds. More... | |
alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::TEST_P (LWAAuthorizationAdapterTest, test_cblAuthorize_CorrectScopes) | |
Check that authorizeUsingCBL<WithCustomerProfile> is requesting with the correct scopes. More... | |
Variables | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::USER_ID = "test-user-id" |
An example user id that would be returned by the Customer Profile API. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::NAME = "Test User" |
An example name that would be returned by the Customer Profile API. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::EMAIL = "test@user.com" |
An example email that would be returned by the Customer Profile API. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::VERIFICATION_URI = "https://amazon.com/us/code" |
The Veritifcation URI. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::USER_CODE = "ABCDE" |
An example CBL code to be returned from CBL auth. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::DEVICE_CODE = "deviceCode" |
An example device code to be returned from CBL auth. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::ADAPTER_ID = "test-adapter-id" |
A test adapter id. More... | |
const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::DEFAULT_ADAPTER_ID = "lwa-adapter" |
Default adapter id. More... | |
std::chrono::seconds | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::TIMEOUT {2} |
Timeout for test cases that require synchronization. More... | |
std::chrono::seconds | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::LONG_TIMEOUT {20} |
Long timeout for cases involving waiting for retries. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::CONFIG_ROOT_NODE = "lwaAuthorization" |
The config node for the LWAAuthorizationAdapter. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::AUTHORIZE_USING_CBL = "authorizeUsingCBL" |
The method name for authorizeUsingCBL. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::AUTHORIZE_USING_CBL_WITH_CUSTOMER_PROFILE = "authorizeUsingCBLWithCustomerProfile" |
The method name for authorizeUsingCBLWithCustomerProfile. More... | |
const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::EXPIRATION_S = "3600" |
Example responses from LWA. More... | |
const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::INTERVAL_S = "3600" |
const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::ACCESS_TOKEN = "myaccesstoken" |
const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::REFRESH_TOKEN = "myrefreshtoken" |
const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::TOKEN_TYPE = "bearer" |
const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::EXPIRATION = "3600" |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::CONFIG_JSON |
The Config JSON. More... | |
static const HTTPResponse | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::CODE_PAIR_RESPONSE |
A default successful code pair response. More... | |
static const HTTPResponse | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::TOKEN_EXCHANGE_RESPONSE |
A default successful token exchange response. More... | |
static const HTTPResponse | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::CUSTOMER_PROFILE_SHORT_RESPONSE |
A defauilt successful customer profile response containing only the user id. More... | |
static const HTTPResponse | alexaClientSDK::acsdkAuthorization::lwa::test::CUSTOMER_PROFILE_RESPONSE |
A defauilt successful customer profile response. More... | |
AlexaClientSDK 3.0.0 - Copyright 2016-2022 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0