static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::test::NAMESPACE = "System" |
| The namespace for this event. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::test::MESSAGE_CONTEXT_KEY = "context" |
| JSON key for the context section of a message. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::test::MESSAGE_EVENT_KEY = "event" |
| JSON key for the event section of a message. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::test::MESSAGE_HEADER_KEY = "header" |
| JSON key for the header section of a message. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::test::MESSAGE_NAMESPACE_KEY = "namespace" |
| JSON key for the namespace field of a message header. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::test::MESSAGE_NAME_KEY = "name" |
| JSON key for the name field of a message header. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::test::MESSAGE_MESSAGE_ID_KEY = "messageId" |
| JSON key for the message ID field of a message header. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::test::MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_KEY = "payload" |
| JSON key for the payload section of an message. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::test::EXCEPTION_ENCOUNTERED_EVENT_NAME = "ExceptionEncountered" |
| JSON value for a ExceptionEncountered event's name. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::test::UNPARSED_DIRECTIVE_KEY = "unparsedDirective" |
| JSON key for the Unparsed Directive field of an ExceptionEncountered event. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::test::EXCEPTION_ENCOUNTERED_ERROR_KEY = "error" |
| JSON key for the error field of an ExceptionEncountered event. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::test::ERROR_TYPE_KEY = "type" |
| JSON key for the type field of a ExceptionEncountered event's error. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::test::ERROR_MESSAGE_KEY = "message" |
| JSON key for the message field of a ExceptionEncountered event's error description. More...
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::test::UNPARSED_DIRECTIVE_JSON_STRING = "unparsedDirective Json String" |
| String to send unparsed Directive in testExceptionEncounteredSucceeds . More...