A cross-platform, modular SDK for interacting with the Alexa Voice Service
#include <AVSCommon/AVS/Attachment/AttachmentManager.h>
#include <AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/MockExceptionEncounteredSender.h>
#include <ADSL/DirectiveSequencer.h>
#include <ADSL/MessageInterpreter.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <memory>
#include "ADSL/MockDirectiveSequencer.h"
Classes | |
class | alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::MessageIntepreterTest |
Namespaces | |
alexaClientSDK | |
Whether or not curl logs should be emitted. | |
alexaClientSDK::adsl | |
alexaClientSDK::adsl::test | |
Functions | |
alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::TEST_F (MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageIsInValidJSON) | |
alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::TEST_F (MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageHasInvalidDirectiveKey) | |
alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::TEST_F (MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageHasInvalidHeaderKey) | |
alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::TEST_F (MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageHasInvalidNamespaceKey) | |
alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::TEST_F (MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageHasInvalidNameKey) | |
alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::TEST_F (MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageHasInvalidMessageIdKey) | |
alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::TEST_F (MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageHasNoDialogRequestIdKey) | |
alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::TEST_F (MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageHasNoPayloadKey) | |
alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::TEST_F (MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageHasInvalidPayloadKey) | |
alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::TEST_F (MessageIntepreterTest, test_messageIsValidDirective) | |
Variables | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::NAMESPACE_TEST = "SpeechSynthesizer" |
The namespace in AVS message. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::NAME_TEST = "Speak" |
The name field in AVS message. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::MESSAGE_ID_TEST = "testMessageId" |
The messageId in AVS message. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::DIALOG_REQUEST_ID_TEST = "dialogRequestIdTest" |
The dialogRequestId in AVS message. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::PAYLOAD_TEST = R"({"url":"cid:testCID","format":"testFormat","token":"testToken"})" |
The payload in AVS message. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::INVALID_JSON = "invalidTestJSON }}" |
An invalid JSON string for testing. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::TEST_ATTACHMENT_CONTEXT_ID = "testContextId" |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::SPEAK_DIRECTIVE |
A sample AVS speak directive with all valid JSON keys. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::DIRECTIVE_INVALID_DIRECTIVE_KEY |
A sample AVS speak directive with invalid directive JSON keys. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::DIRECTIVE_INVALID_HEADER_KEY |
A sample AVS speak directive with invalid header key. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::DIRECTIVE_INVALID_NAMESPACE_KEY |
A sample AVS speak directive with invalid namespace key. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::DIRECTIVE_INVALID_NAME_KEY |
A sample AVS speak directive with invalid name key. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::DIRECTIVE_INVALID_MESSAGEID_KEY |
A sample AVS speak directive with invalid messageId key. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::DIRECTIVE_NO_PAYLOAD |
A sample AVS speak directive with no payload key. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::DIRECTIVE_INVALID_PAYLOAD_KEY |
A sample AVS speak directive with invalid payload key. More... | |
static const std::string | alexaClientSDK::adsl::test::DIRECTIVE_NO_DIALOG_REQUEST_ID_KEY |
A sample AVS speak directive with no dialogRequestId key. More... | |
AlexaClientSDK 3.0.0 - Copyright 2016-2022, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0